The Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31, Verses 10-31

I’ve often wondered if the author had a particular woman in mind when he wrote the 31st chapter of Proverbs. I’ve thought about the woman herself, wondering if she ever tired of being selfless, perhaps had a day where she just wanted some “me time”. The woman described is a superwoman. I came across this passage a few years ago, on a day when I was feeling particularly put upon and unappreciated. It has become a favorite of mine, and I have continued to turn to it off and on as something to draw confidence and inspiration from.

What is a Virtuous Woman?
Proverbs 31, verse 10 asks “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies”. The woman that King Lemuel goes on to describe is a selfless woman, who is as relevant today as when he wrote about her in the age of Solomon. This woman cooks, cleans, sews, takes care of her children and has her husband’s complete faith and confidence. She runs her household with great stewardship, making sure that she gets the right food, cloth, and other merchandise to ensure a smooth running household.

How like today’s modern supermom! The chores done and merchandise purchased might be different, but the principle is the same. Today’s supermom often does it all, just as Lemuel’s virtuous woman did in his time.

Businesswoman, Wife, Supermom
Proverbs 31, verse 15 goes on to say “She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens”. This woman gets up before daylight to prepare a meal for her family to get them started on their day. She makes sure that everyone in the household has something warm in their bellies, including the servants. The next verses following this tell how she buys the field to plant a vineyard, carries herself with strength and confidence, and lends a helping hand to those who are poor and in need.

She makes sure that everyone in her home is clothed for the winter, and makes garments that she sells to merchants in the market. So not only is this woman a supermom and wife, she is a businesswoman.

Strength, Kindness, Honor
Proverbs 31, verse 24 tells us that “Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come”. This woman is strong and has a high moral standard, by which she honors her husband and her family. Further on, you can see that she holds her tongue, choosing to speak kindly and with wisdom. The welfare of her home and family are her priority, she comes last. But you know by this verse, that she will be rewarded for her selflessness.

Proverbs 31, verse 28 says “Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her”.

I’ve often felt under-appreciated, and then I will overhear my kids talking to their friends about something I’ve made for them or done for them, and you can hear the pride in their voice. I’ve heard through the grapevine good things my husband says about me to his friends. So I try to keep this verse in mind when I’m having one of those days. I know that they appreciate it, though it’s not always expressed directly to me.

You Are Valued and Noticed
Proverbs 31 ends by saying “Give her the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates”. This woman is known in her community, by her reputation of selflessness, the way she takes care of her family and the good deeds she has done. These verses are inspiration to strive to be a better mother, wife, and a better person in general.

Women often do it all- they work, cook, clean, do laundry, take care of the kids, and still find time for their spouses and friends. All to often, it is easy to burn out, and tire of always taking care of everyone else first, and worrying about yourself last, if at all. It is easy to fall into a pattern of thinking that everything you do goes unnoticed, that all everyone does is take, take, take from you, with little or no thanks. What I take away from Proverbs 31 is that even if no one else seems to notice how hard you’re working, God does. He sees the time you take to cut the crusts off the sandwich because your daughter doesn’t like them. He notices that change you drop in the donation jar at the store, or the food or clothing you give away to others. He sees the multitude of little favors you do for your friends. God knows, and understands, even if no one else does. And that is inspiration enough for me.

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