Why do some girls have more veins cris-crossing their hands than others?

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My friend asked me one day why my hands were sort of veiny, so to speak, so when I looked at hers, she didn’t have the same sort of criss-crossing of veins. I figured it to be because of the kind of work I do.Does working out attribute to the veins?
More Answers to “Why do some girls have more veins cris-crossing their hands than others?
Everyone has the same amount of veins.just some people’s show more than others. There are many different factors that either show or hide them. It’s normal!
Hello I am a med and dietetics student. Please take this as an OPINION only and not as medical advice since I am not an RD or MD yet. Everyone has the same amount of veins. Your veins are under the fat in your skin. If your are leaner, you will show more veins them someone who is a little heavier. Hope this helps! Good luck!
Hey there, I noticed that my friends who are fit and workout have veins showing. So do I and they look great! Long, lean and veiny. Are you lean? Low body fat? If so, dont let veins bother you. I was once told that my veins, (almost as thick as pencils, allover my arms) mean I am vascular and exchange oxygen well. High endurance also! SO cheers!but, but, but if it bothers you, go see a dermatologist.Be well!
eryone has them especially they pop out when you’re stressed, tired, worried, have too many fears/phobias, and overwhelmed this is just common for my friends. Same with me I worry too much and Im shaky because Im nervous.
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