what oenis size do girls want??

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what oenis size do girls want??
More Answers to “what oenis size do girls want??
LOL. I personally like it to be from 8 1/2 – 9 1/2 and it has to be GIRTHY 🙂
There is a “P” in PENIS. literally. gotta wiz! what’s a oenis?
well thats a good question that one each girl can answer i like them about 5 1/2 to 7 inches but i have friend that wont settle for less them 9 and others that are happy with 3″ so it would depend on the girl
penis? 7-9 inches
While there are some girls who truly do like the feeling of a really giant penis inside of them, the vast majority do not.Men are FAR more concerned with penis size than women are, on the whole.The truth is that very few women can reach orgasm from penetration alone, regardless of the size of the penis doing the penetration. In fact, because a penis that is too large can be painful, a larger penis can sometimes prevent a girl who ordinarily CAN reach orgasm from penetration alone from being able to with the larger penis inside of her.The truth is that as long as your penis is adequate to get the job done, you will be able to keep most women as satisfied as any larger man could. And for the rare girl who would truly like to be stretched, you can always bring out a toy of some kind – that can be LOTS of fun.The truth is that most women require direct clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm, which most men are not going to do with their penis anyway. Most of the time direct clitoral stimulation comes from a finger, or a tongue, or a toy. If you can learn how to properly stimulate a girl’s clitoris, you will be able to satisfy her MUCH more than you can through penetration.Besides – a smaller penis is always easier to swallow than a bigger one.
If you have to ask you don’t deserve one. You’re either too young and immature or too insecure. Real men don’t need to ask, they know what to do with what they have. And that’s what counts.
god is here you are reported
I know from personal experience that too small and too big can be a problem. Every girl is different as far as what does it for her. I would estimate a good range to be 6 1/2″ to around 8 1/2″. However, if an oenis (haha) falls outside of this range, there are other things that can be done in conjunction with sex that will help satisfy.
What’s an oenis?Assuming you mean penis, size doesn’t matter. It’s knowing how to use it that counts.
seriously.. it doesnt matter.. i had a guy who had a large one.. did not no how to use it.. did not give me any pleasure.. had a guy with a much smaller one but knew exactly how to do it n it was the best ever.. teh steriotype is bigger is better.. not true.. 4 sum girls maybe true but most dont care.. confidence is the key.. if your confident n act like ya got a clue to wat ya doing youll usually end up doing a fair job of it
If you ment penis, too small is a problem but too big is a problem to.
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