has anyone ever had a ruptured ovarian cyst?

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if so, how painful was it for you and how long did the pain last.how did you deal with it? i dont know how long i can stand this..
More Answers to “has anyone ever had a ruptured ovarian cyst?
Yes! OW! Way painful! I went to the ER and got a shot of toradol.
Yes it does hurt very much i have soem cysts and it feels awfull, take ib and it will help
Ruptured ovarian cysts are extremely painful. Hopefully you went to the Dr. or ER to make sure it isn’t bleeding. If it keeps bleeding, you may need surgery to stop it, but as far as the pain, it is a solid 4 – 7 days before you will feel better. If you have pain medications from the Dr, make sure you take them before the pain gets out of hand. They are much more effective if you take them before the pain is really bad. If you don’t have pain medications, either go to the ER, or you could try Ibuprofen (Advil) over the counter. You can actually take up to 800mg (4 tablets). 800 mg is a prescription dose. Good luck!! ouch,yes! Lots of PAIN and you may have to go to the ER if the pain has lasted more than 60 minutes
yes I did twice, and the pain is so severe that you can’t even move for about 40 minutes. when it happens to me I start sweating and feeling cold at the same time and it feels like i need to use the bathroom, last time it happened to me my husband had to help me get out of the bathroom and take me to bed, i took 1 vicodine and about 30 minutes later i was feeling much better but the pain is very severe and you want to throw up.
ive had 3 rupture on me hun and god bless i feel for you they are very painful and its a matter of time for it to heel on its own dont worry about pills i mean just take the ib it helps a bit as you said try laying down on your side that isnt affected not you back or your stomach that kills use a heat pad to ese the pain and nice warm baths also help dont try to do anything to strenious for a bit just to let which ever side it si to come back to normal its a very normal thing for this to happen unfortunetly.youll be ok hun i promise just pray its your only one you get!! most wopmen get it when they are preggy!!??
Yes, I had one while I was pregnant and the dr. didn’t want to give me any meds for it (I think the prescription for them is birth control pills). I pretty much had to just live with it. They did say that I could have a little Tylenol or Ibuprofen (can’t remember which) and I used a warm heating pad. Mine lasted for several weeks then one day I realized that the pain was gone. If you’re not pregnant, I’d think that it should probably be Ok to use a pain reliever and/or heating pad. I’d check back with the dr just in case, though.
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