Next week I am having a hysterectomy,everything out but ovaries,I am 44 and have had 2 prior csections thats?

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Its because of fibroids and endometriosis.Do they have to cut through the muscles?IM SCARED please If you have had this procedure please share how painful it was and how long do you bleed afterwards? and why?and what would you suggest I bring with me to hospital? Thank you
More Answers to “Next week I am having a hysterectomy,everything out but ovaries,I am 44 and have had 2 prior csections thats?
OMG! These people answering your question are HORRENDOUS!!I know your fear b/c I lived through it. You feel so alone, so scared and everything. I’m going to tell you my experience to hope to help you better cope. I promise it will not be as bad as it sounds….I was 36 and diagnosed with CANCER! of the uterus and they told me I would need a complete hysterectomy. This SO came out of the blue for me and they told me this over the TELEPHONE! They said it was caught very early and everything, but I would definitely need the procedure. Then they scheduled it for 3.5 weeks AFTER they told me about this. Those weeks were the most hell-acious of my life. I thought I was going to die, and there were moments when I would have rather been dead than go through this. Because they used the word cancer, I was already sort of planning my funeral.All of that was for naught, of course. I can tell you when the worst moment for you will be (at least it was for me). It is going to be walking into the hospital like your regular self, KNOWING that they are going to do that. That was the WORST PART of the whole thing! Thinking that they are going to take your womanhood away from you and all.When they had me in the pre-op area, they gave me sedation, but they couldn’t give me enough in my opinion b/c I was so scared. I remember them rolling me in, and when my husband had to leave the area. I remember going into the operating room, but by then they had drugged me enough to the point where I was talking jovially with the attendants…for a moment. Then I was out.I woke up in recovery…absolutely NO pain…the usual groggy, foggy, sleepy.That evening they had me on serious morphine, and I remember laughing and trying to be funny with the nurses and stuff, mainly b/c I didn’t feel anything at all.The next morning (or the first day afterwards) was hard b/c you are in SOME pain. They gave me a morphine drip to administer to myself as often as I needed (and yes, I pressed it alot). Everyone was very nice. They try to get you up and walking as soon as possible, and that was VERY hard to do, b/c you can’t believe you’re supposed to be up and about! Very slow going at first, but over time it got better. I wasn’t hungry the first day, but the next day I was. I’d say pain-wise, the first day was the worst, but it isn’t all THAT bad b/c they give you almost as many drugs as you want.I went home after a couple of days. Everything was very slow going, but a lot of people helped me. I can honestly tell you that a week and a half after getting home I was playing outside with the kids in the snow.The one thing that lingered, though, was my sexuality and all of that. I am being honest and truthful here, I noticed NO DIFFERENCE at ALL in sex, sexuality or anything! My husband noticed NO difference! I swear to you this is true. You still get the same sensations and everything. I promise you that that will remain the same (despite the earlier poster). That was the one thing I worried about the most.Everyone always says “at least you won’t have your period anymore”. I always poo-pooed that, and it was the last thing on my mind. But after awhile it really makes you feel free. NEVER have to worry again.I took no estrogen anything after all of that. I just finished off the pain perscrip. the doc gave me and that was it. Like two months later I started getting hot flashes, but they came on slow (I called them at the time “warm” flashes). I took Estroven and later Andrew Lessmans “Positive Passage”, all natural stuff. They have made a remarkable difference to me. It is just weeks short of a year since this has happened to me, and I am TOTALLY my OLD self! I swear! The hot flashes are very few and far between, and I feel awesome.I know it is very very scary…but please know that you are not alone!There is an awesome website that might help you, too, if you want even more info. It is, and is terrific!Best of luck to you!
I haven’t had the opp but my sister has, yes it is pain full but you get plenty of pain-relive. Take in sanitary towels as you do bleed after the opp.Just think once its all over no more periods ever again.
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