When your a virgin and you have sex is it supposed to bleed each time for the first few times ?

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My fiance and i had sex on a rate of 5 times or more and my vagina has been bleeding everytime , i had him switch to anal and it doesent bleed that way but it does when its in my vagina , should i be worried ?? what does it mean ??
More Answers to “When your a virgin and you have sex is it supposed to bleed each time for the first few times ?
don’t worry I did the same thing, you will bleed the first half dozen times sometimes more, I thought this was weird but when I asked my dr about it she told me that sometimes the Hymen will tear a little each time, and some girls it tears all the way the first time. After you have a baby you will do the same thing if the dr sews you up too tight like mine did too.
I think you are only supposed to bleed the first time.
When I first started having sex I bled a lot. It was like my period was on and I had to wear a pad for several days. It is going to take awhile until you can get use to it. Just take your time and tell your hubbie to take it easy on you until you feel comfortable enough and have no more bleeding. Anal sex, well, that’s okay, but you need to make sure you are safe doing that, too. Your hubbie has to wear protection for that because of feces can get on the penis and then if he wants to take it out and put it in your vagina then all he has to do is take his protection off. That way you want have to worry about having infections and STDs to add on to your plate.
ur hole is fresh! itl take a lil time to introduce mr. penis and miss vagina, eventually they will have fun together! and wil be more enjoyable well im a guy but i think you might bleed a little bit the first time if he pops your cherry
How old are you? sheesh! it is your cherry popping and it happens to everyone. (honestly, didn’t you ever have sex-ed?)
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