Are bladder infection and UTI the same thing?

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if not then please explain why
More Answers to “Are bladder infection and UTI the same thing?
It’s sort of like “all prunes are plums but not all plums are prunes” thing. UTI is an abbreviation of “urinary tract infection” and can be an infection of all or any part of the urinary system, which begins with the kidneys, then the exit tubes called ureters that carry urine to the urinary bladder where it is stored until eliminated outside the body through the urethra. Since the bladder is part of that system, all bladder infections are considered UTI’s. But urethritis or a kidney infection could also be called UTI’s and might or might not involve the bladder itself.In women, the urethra is only a couple of inches long at most so it is very easy for bacteria to make their way from the outside to the bladder and other parts of the urinary system. In men, it is several inches longer and they have far fewer UTI’s, but they also have far more kidney stones.The best ways to reduce the number of UTI’s or even to eliminate them are simple. Good hygiene helps, including wiping front to back to avoid carrying bacteria to the urethra’s opening. Drinking plenty of water also helps because diluting any bacteria reduces the chances of an infection taking hold. Drinking lots of liquids also likely increases how frequently you urinate, and this is also important. Even if bacteria get it, urinating may flush them out before they can make you sick.Sexual activity can also increase the risk of urinary infections and in addition to using barrier methods, urinating before and after intercourse reduces the danger. (For some women, condoms may be irritating and should be avoided in a committed and faithful relationship while using another means of birth control, if desired.)So, all bladder infections are UTI’s but not all UTI’s are bladder infections.
Its similar. UTI stands for urinary tract infection, which is the tube from the bladder. A UTI can turn in to a bladder infection if the bacteria travel up the tract to the bladder.
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