my period is very irregular it hasn’t come since february can I get pregnant if I have unprotected sex?

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More Answers to “my period is very irregular it hasn’t come since february can I get pregnant if I have unprotected sex?
first of all, to your question, duh, yes! you can possibly get pregnant EVERY SINGLE TIME you have unprotected sex, well.unless you are already pregnant.which leads me to the 2ND part, do your boobs hurt? are you nauseated or sick? have you seen a Dr. yet? (since you have not had a period in 4 months?) I would go to my doctor, or at least the nearest drug store to get a home pregnancy test. If you are pregnant, you can be harming your baby with so much stuff that you are not supposed to do! You need to find out as soon as possible!
yes. theres pretty much always a possibility of getting pregnant while having sex, protected or not.especially not. i would use protection if i was you.
Yes you can still get pregnant. It doesn’t matter if your period is irregular. Many women have irregular periods and have no problems getting pregnant. If you’re going to have sex, use protection if you don’t want to get pregnant.
You *can’t* get pregnant if you aren’t ovulating (no egg, no pregnancy), and if you *are* ovulating, you will have a period. However, it is possible that even though you *haven’t* been ovulating, you could start at any time. Therefore you have to assume you are potentially fertile.If you want to know how to recognize when you are about to ovulate, please read _Taking Charge of Your Fertility_ by Toni Weschler. It has lots of information that will help you figure out what is going on. Sounds like you already are.
Yes you can still get pregnant if you have unprotected sex. Even if your period comes you can be ovulating during the time and you still will end up pregnant. That doesn’t change anything. Theirs also some women that have their first two or three periods while being pregnant. That’s not all that alright but it is regular for some women. Hope I was helpful enough. Best Luck. And if your young or not ready for a baby, I hope your not or that works out for you.
yes you can. as well as . std. as well .
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