Again with the mammogram- how bad does this actually hurt?

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Again with the mammogram- how bad does this actually hurt?
More Answers to “Again with the mammogram- how bad does this actually hurt?
I’ve had 4 mammogram’s and none of them hurt. My breasts were a little tender for a couple of days after but that’s all. But some of my friends said their’s hurt like he**. So I guess it just depends on your tolerance to pain. It depends on how big or small you are. It can be anywhere from definitely uncomfortable to unbearably so for some women. If you are an average size – say 36 B or C, you have the likelihood of it being the least uncomfortable.It is still a pain, though, no matter what size you are.
It is different for everyone. People with fibrocystic problems of the breasts seem to have the worst time of it. Mine was not painful at all. Uncomfortable. but not painful. Lie sideways on the floor of your garage at 2 am. Have your husband back the car on your breast. Leave for five minutes.
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