I think I am depressed. I have every symptom of it. What should I do?

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I don’t want to take anti-depressants or go to a doctor. But this is affecting my life. I run 5 miles a day and I am so tired when I run. I can’t sleep at night and I wake up exausted. What do I do?
More Answers to “I think I am depressed. I have every symptom of it. What should I do?
It seems like you have diagnosed your problem! IF your diagnosis is correct, and you are in a depression, then you have to get through it. But, what if your diagnosis isn’t right? What if your white count is high and you have something going on in your body that is allowing you to be tired, sleepless, exhausted..what if. Perhaps you should get checked out. Good Luck You might not be depressed. It could be a thyroid condition or something like that. It seems as though you’re more fatigued than anything else. There is more to depression than being tired all the time. There’s the racing thoughts at night, crying for no reason and maybe even at the worst times. Maybe even thoughts of suicide and things like that. Having lived through it, I can safely say that I hope you aren’t depressed because I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. But, if you want to try something herbal, try St. John’s Wort. It is supposed to help with depression. And if any one asks, just tell them it’s a vitamin to help with your running.Good luck sweetie. And know, when it comes to your emotional health, the RIGHT doctor is the best thing for you.
If you are depressed please find a doctor and soon! Depression can be very dangerous to your well beingand it can affect your life in ways that is hard to imagine. u can only help by counciling by a good doctor and taking few medicine if he want
sounds like you just need someone to run with you. Sometimes you just need a friend with you when you are feeling low. Maybe you might also need some vitamins. If you don’t want to go to the doctor or take medicine to help yourself, it hard to suggest what you should do. If you run at the end of the day, try to run early in the morning. Exercising to late in the day can keep you awake at night. I would be tired too if I ran 5 miles a day.
I think you need to go see someone. I see someone and im currently on anti-depressants they help a lot.
Depression symptoms are disturbed sleep, reduced appetite, reduced libido, low mood, weight loss, reduced energy, loss of interest in daily activities, feeling hopeless etc. Depression is usually diagnosed if you are having at least 2 of above symptoms for more than 2 weeks. Some of the depression may also be caused by generalized anxiety. Try relaxation technique like deep breathing exercises. Consult your doctor if you continue to have the symptoms. you do need to talk with your primary care doctor – you might really have a problem – anti-depressants CAN help you
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