Do you think you should be able to design your own baby?

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ie, we deal with IVF, and the new techniques such as germ cell & cloning, and the fact its now a possibility for a man to become pregnant, do you think we should disturb the natural course of nature?
More Answers to “Do you think you should be able to design your own baby?
I definately don’t think that we should be able to do this. I mean we are just tampering with the natural course of nature without fully grasping what the consequences will be. It is true that every parent wants a ‘perfect’ child, one without illness or other problems, but if we change things in order to suit ourselves and our wants where do we draw the line? Until we know what the true outcome of taking such actions is going to be, I think designer babies should be totally out of the question. Each and every person on the planet is unique in their own way and this is what makes us diverse. If we give people the choice to pick what they do and do not want within a living being, this will upset the natural order of things. When you pick your partner you have started to design your own baby anyway
no because where would people draw the line, it will effect natural evolution Yes I wish I could have done that I would of had a boy so that I wouldnt want anymore. HOWEVER it is UNETHICAL TO DO SO. I know in china they look for girls I believe if they are not girls they abort. In the US I heard on the news that we are in lead for designer babies no joke. I’m catholic so as much as it would be nice to decide myself I know thats not the how the GREAT PLAN works out.
can i make mine a millionaire ?? How that would be cool, but then our society would all be more alike, instead of different.
Yes, but to a limit. Presently, we are not really following “nature’s rule”. We give eyeglasses for those who don’t see well, we give antibiotics to people with fever, we perform life-saving operations and we don’t let sick people die of hunger. We also make it possible for people to have children even if they cannot do this “by the normal natural ways”. So, if its possible, why let people have babies with hereditary deceases or diabetes or anything like this? A civilised society should be able to cope with this. But to choose the sex or the col or of the eyes – that would really be too much and totally unnecessary. NO! I think being able to find out the gender before it’s born is enough,if not too much.What’s the fun in knowing everything?
its a personal question really.depends on why you would want to(avoid inherited desease etc).the problem is natures rule is the strong diabetic and overweight and wish i wasnt..reALLY I SHOULD BE PUSHING UP if i could have been cured pre birth i would support this..however the world will soon be overcrowded with perfect people then what? yeas offcoursebut its quite difficult
No. No, IVF is a great invention for those who are unable to have children naturally, but picking and choosing the bits you want and don’t want is not right.
you’re not God. no i dont think you should design your own baby just be happy with what you get but i do think the idea ov a man havin a baby sounds quite good!!
NO!! I think it’s terrible that people are being allowed to design babies and I think it should be banned. No way – just let nature take its course. Genetically modifying people will only end in tears. I can imagine the problems that may arise from all this in the childs later years. All the fun is in finding out!
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