Is there anything that can be done to slow down the start of your period?

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Is there anything that can be done to slow down the start of your period?
More Answers to “Is there anything that can be done to slow down the start of your period?
There is a new birth control pill out now that is suppose to make your periods very light and very few days. Talk to your Doctor. no, your period comes natural and it is a part of nature.. just deal with it!
take the new pills they have now I don’t think so.
Your question is a bit unclear. Does that mean you want to have fewer periods during the year or that you want your period to be shorter each month. In either case, if you want less frequent periods there are medications that can reduce your periods to only 4 per year. This birth control medication is relatively safe if you are in good health, but you should discuss this with your OB/GYN (gynecologist) what would be the best option so that your period wasn’t such an inconvenience or more manageable each month. Without medication, mother nature does what she pleases when it comes to your hormones and how your period is each month. Hormonal birth control maybe?
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