What is this female ejaculattion?

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I have never experinced the so called female ejaculation when I make sex with my husband.Is female ejaculation a false idea ?Ladies Please answer if it is true how I can I experince it> Did any of you have ejaculated during sex?
More Answers to “What is this female ejaculattion?
To be honest, I haven’t heard of it til now, however I get the idea and I think I’ve experienced it. It is a liquid that goes out of your vagina and is like urine (it’s not so thick as sperm). Personally, I can control it, if I don’t want to I don’t need to release it. It can come out in quite an amount, so the sheet can be very wet from it. However, it doesn’t come every time I have sex (and it doesn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy sex just because there was no fluid coming out of me). It depends on the whole situation. In order to let it out, you need to relax completely, your vaginal muscles need to be absolutely relaxed. I’ve experienced it both during oral and vaginal sex. And, in my experience, it comes before an orgasm, sometimes even much before. And sometimes, if I completely relax vaginal muscles and let a lot of liquid out, I even don’t have an orgasm in the end. Oh, this was a long story. 🙂 Hope I was clear and useful.
What is female ejaculation?It is prostate like fluid that is pushed out of the urethra which originates not from the bladder but from the Skenes glands during the peak of sexual arousal (orgasm). Female ejaculate is clear in color and has a sweet smell or doesn’t smell at all, it is very much like water. It also has the same properties as male ejaculate without the sperm and it lacks those found in urine, thus proving it is not urine.How can you experience it?First find your G-spot. The G-spot is a bumpy area about the size of a walnut about two inches into your vagina and in the front (towards your belly button). As you stimulate your G-spot, it will swell and enlarge with fluid. Then when you orgasm, this fluid can be released and squirted out your urethra. You can ejaculate by relaxing as you are about to orgasm and bearing down with your pelvic muscles as if you were going to pee. Hints and Tips:It is very unusual for a woman to actually pee when she ejaculates because the muscular contractions of orgasm close off the bladder and prevent the passage of urine. With that said, if you feel funny about the pee thing, try emptying your bladder before you start having sex or masturbating. It is harder to acheive this through intercourse alone, stimulate yourself to ejaculation first or have your husband use his fingers and stimulate you. Facing you he can put his fingers inside your vagina and make a “come hither” motion towards your belly button. Almost as if he was trying to tickle your stomach through your vagina. Also, use towels because the amount of fluid that comes out can be astonishing. After you have achieved one orgasm with ejaculation you may also experience multiple orgasms! Have fun! It is something that can happen. You can find photos on the web. It is supposed to be something that happens during intense orgasm and is actually urine.
wel thats a hard one but i can try first for u to experience this so called female ejaculation u have to be well vast wit your own body then communicate with your husband very wel by telling him which places turn u on and how want them stimulated then another thing its said that female ejaculation is cozd by the Gspot so locate it have it stimulated by u or yo husband then when u get a filling like u want to pee dont be scared coz its not pee so continue until u reach orgasm then a liquid that u will release after yo org will be it
it is right its like a mans but not as thick
Female ejaculation is very real and has happened to me a number of times. Mostly through oral sex. You have to be completely relaxed and lost in ecstasy and just let your body go. It will feel a little like having a pee except that you will feel all orgasmic from it. It is an incredible feeling. You really need good chemistry to ejaculate. It doesn’t happen with every man as some men are useless at oral sex.
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