Is anything wrong with me?

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I was put on the birth control shot and only took it twice, then my dad stopped taking me. The last time i took it was in april and i have been on my period ever since. What should i do?
More Answers to “Is anything wrong with me?
Go To your Doctor. your not supposed to have a period that long ! LOL make an appointment a.s.a.p!
you need to get back to a doctor. whether your dad takes you or someone else, you have to get this problem addressed. your body may be low in iron because of so much blood loss. This isn’t normal at all. please get someone to take you to a doctor, and wishes to you

The shot messes you up MAJOR time. I was on it before too.. I had a totally different problem I did NOT get a period for a long time after it.I would go back to planned parenthood or your doctor, wherever you got your shots at and tell them whats going on.
Birth control is not only for preventing conception it is also used to regulate hormones and your period the prob is i believe that u had more or less put a regulater in and when u stopped taking the birth control u broke the regulator so i say go see a doc and be put back on the birth control.
What do you mean “my dad stopped taking me”?Do you live in West Virginia?
Why did your dad stop taking you? Just go back on but take a birth control pill so you don’t rely on your dad to take you out. If you don’t have sex don’t take anything, you’ve nothing to worry. Good luck!
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