Do twins skip a generation

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There is absolutely no evidence, other than circumstantial, that twins are more likely to occur every other generation. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do twins skip a generation
The only way twins are hereditary is on the woman’s side. Fraternal twins are what can be genetic because those women are more prone to putting out more than one egg while ovulating. Identical twins, which come from one egg that splits, is …
There is no scientific proof that giving birth to twins skips a generation. Of course, it sometimes happens, but twins can just as easily be conceived in every generation of a family, or once and never again! However, women in a particular …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do twins skip a generation in the family ?
Q: My fiance’s gramma had twins, (from hes dads side) so we are wondering since none of hes aunts and uncles or dad had any twins, will we most likely have twins when we decide to have kids ? I heard that it skips a generation anyone know anything about this ? thanks!
A: I know a guy who is a twin, has twins and his father is a twin.
When someone has twins in there family does it skip the next generation for someone to have them next?
Q: Ok my aunt told me that when her sister had twins it skipped my dad generation and one of us out of my dad uncle and aunt kids will probally have twins.My aunt son has 3 kids there not twins my uncle daughter had a little boy.So that leaves me and my other 3 cousins.Is that true or it doesn’t skip a generation?
A: Hi, I am a mom to 5 year old identical twin boys. I have no sets of twins in my side of the family. I mean NONE as far back as we could go every birth was single. My doctor told us that twins are not determined by the father’s side. Now my husband’s family has twins in abundance both fraternal and identical. As you can imagine, I don’t give my doctor’s remarks much credit. There are two types of twins fraternal meaning there are 2 eggs that the mom produces and the father fertilizes. Our bodies often produce more then one egg at a time for a number of reasons, which include meds, and being very young or older when conception happens. And Identical twins meaning one fertilized egg splits by day 12 after conception. According to the medical community this is just a fluke, but I think since my husband’s family clearly has a genetic factor for twins coupled with the fact they look EXACTLY like him, I blame him :). I know that this is a lengthy explanation to say that there is some genetic factors involved. Although I don’t feel your a predestined to have twins…given the fact you have some genetic factors and the longer you wait especially 35+ to have kids you would have a higher chance to have twins. Now, I am here to say twins are tough but worth it! As with any Baby your life will change and as long as you have a lot of support you will survive and enjoy what ever life deals you. Good luck Leslie
Do twins really skip a generation?
Q: Okay so… my mother has an identical twin sister. She also has identical twin cousins. Aside from that my dad has a twin sister. A lot of people keep saying that twins skip a generation. Now seeing as how my parents did not have any twins it makes me wonder if I will have twins, and if I do would they be identical or fraternal? What do you think?
A: The chances are pretty good yeah.Not sure if it skips a generation though. My best friends mom is a twin and she just had twins too.
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