What is the earliest you can test for pregnancy

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The earliest you can take a pregnancy test and get accurate results is after a missed period. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-earliest-you-can-test-for-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “What is the earliest you can test for pregnancy
When should pregnancy test best be taken?
Pregnancy. Pregnancy is the condition of having a developing embryo or fetus in the body. The union of an egg (ovum) with sperm is called fertilization, or conception, and it is this union that produces the embryo…
How early can you take a pregnancy test?
It can happen that you get implantation cramps during the ovulation, some women even experience some bleeding. I think it is still early to think you might have got pregnant, but of course, if you start feeling some other early pregnancy …
When is the earliest i can take a pregnancy test??
With the new pregnancy tests available today detecting a pregnancy can happen much sooner than it used to. You used to have to wait until 1-2 weeks after you missed your period. Now you can test as early as 4-5 days before you miss your per…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: my period is not due for another week and i tried one of those early pregnancy tests that came out negative… but i have been getting nauseaus for the past week, have been really tired and moody, and i can’t smoke or drink without feeling ill. (that sounds awful, but i was not trying to get pregnant.)
A: they have the tests which can give you results up to 4 or 5 days prior to your period. Do not forget though…. when testing prior to your expected period, u must test 1st thing in the morning so that the HCG (pregnancy hormone) concentration is at it’s highest!
What is the most accurate/earliest pregnancy test?
Q: I think an egg may have been fertilized two or three weeks ago and I want to take an accurate test that may register my pregnancy at this stage or maybe a teeny bit later. Is it possible? What test is the best and, if you know, what does it usually cost?
A: The most accurate would be a blood test done by your Dr.For at home tests, here are a few lists/charts.http://www.pinelandpress.com/faq/hpt.htmlhttp://www.babyhopes.com/pregnancy-test-sensitivity.htmlhttp://www.peeonastick.com/hpts.html
What’s the earliest you can take a pregnancy test and still get an accurate reading?
Q: My wife and I are trying to have a baby, and my question is, how early a pregnancy test can be taken and still give an accurate reading. How much time needs to pass before it will show a reading that is correct. I just don’t want to run the risk of getting a false positive or negative. (I know false positives are unlikely, mostly worried about the false negative) Thank you so much for any help.
A: It really depends on how sensitive the test is that your wife is going to take. There are inexpensive pregnancy tests that you can buy online that detect 20 miu. Basically, you should be able to see an accrate result anywhere from 7-10 days past ovulation. I know that you can buy the tests at http://store.clubmomma.com/pregnancy-test-strips.htmland they are accurate (I have used them). There is also a list of test sensitivities at http://www.clubmomma.com/testlist that compares different tests.Good Luck to you and your wife!
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