What week does the babies heart beat start

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What week does the babies heart beat start”,you can compare them.

At week 5, your baby is about the size of the tip of a pen and the baby’s heart and circulatory system are taking shape. 242242! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-week-does-the-babies-heart-beat-start ]
More Answers to “What week does the babies heart beat start
What week can you start hearing the baby’s heartbeat with the fet…?
Its usually 10-14 weeks. It depends on if the doctor looks long enough, the pre pregnancy weight of the mother.. and the position of the baby.
When does a babies heart start to beat?
Generally week 5, though it might not be detectable through ultrasounds at that time so no need to worry if you don’t hear it right away!
When does an un born babies heart beat start to beat??
I saw my baby’s heartbeat at the 6 week ultrasound. We heard it for the first time yesterday… 13 weeks.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

At how many weeks does the heart start to beat?
Q: When does the babies heart start to beat, and enogh for the gyno to hear it?
A: I first heard my baby’s heartbeat at 8 weeks at my 1st visit but my doctor told me you can usually hear it at 6 weeks.
at how may weeks do you start hearing a baby heart beat?
Q: At how many weeks do you start hearing a baby’s heartbeat? Wednesday June 10, 2009 It will be 4 weeks after cycle , took a pregnancy test negative but can I be pregnant?can you even see anything on ulrasound in the uterus??
A: We heard our little one’s heartbeat at about 6 weeks. It was an internal Ultrasound…
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Q: ie which week of the pregnancy can it first be heard through the correct type of devise.Currently, we think, at 9 weeks and just heard it beating.Midwife said we might be a bit further gone than 9 weeks though.I don’t know who to choose for this one, so I’m going to put it to a vote.(Don’t just choose the answer at the top, please consider each answer before voting.)
A: Well it cant be heard till about week 10-12 at least but u can see it beating on a ultrasound at week 6…
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