Why does birth control cause weight gain

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We’re not sure who gave birth to this urban legend but according to researchers, the birth control pill doesn’t cause weight gain. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-birth-control-cause-weight-gain ]
More Answers to “Why does birth control cause weight gain
Why does birht control cause weight gain?
The different hormones in the pills. Not all cause weight gain. I’ve been on Zovia for 5 years now and still weigh exactly the same.
Does birth control make you gain weight?
my mom told me it wasn’t the birth control itself that made you gain weight but the sugar pills you take when your on your period, i just don’t use them and i haven’t gained, but i guess it depends on your body type, metabolism, and hormone…
Do birth control pills cause weight gain?
Women often blame the birth control pill for weight gain. But studies have shown that the effect of the birth control pill on weight is small – if it exists at all. However, the way the hormones in birth control pills act on tissues in your…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How often does birth control cause weight gain?
Q: I am 16 and just started on ortho-tricyclen.Does birth control cause weight gain with most girls?Is it for only the first three months that it affects your weight, or is it for the entire time you are taking it?thanks! (:
A: the entire time I was on the depo shot which was 2 1/2 years I gained weight, but it all depends on the person. Everybody has different reactions.
Does going off birth control cause weight gain?
Q: I’ve been on birth control for almost 3 years. I was originally on Orthotricyclen lo, and a few months ago I started Yasmin.I was thinking about going off of the pill to see if it would be easier to lose weight. I think it’s been harder to lose weight ever since I started the pill and I think it made me gain some weight. Does anyone know if this will cause weight gain? Has anyone gained weight from going off the pill?
A: I don’t know about the gaining weight from going off the pill part, but I definitely think it is more difficult to lose weight while on the pill. Since the pill basically makes your body think it is pregnant by messing with your hormones, and if your body thinks you are pregnant its natural inclination is to put on weight and store fat. I think your body would fight against any weight loss because it thinks you will need those fat stores in the future to sustain the child it thinks you are going to have. This is just my thoughts on what is happening based on my experience since starting back on the pill.Last Aug, I started doing cardio 4 times a week for an hour and eating healthy. Not because I wanted to lose weight, but because I wanted to feel better and have more energy. The end of Sept my gyn put me on birth control (Yasmin) pills because I was having heavy periods and my iron count was really low. So low I was rejected from donating blood and I was tired all the time and had no energy to the point of not being able to get out of bed in the morning. So after starting back on the pill at the end of Sept I immediately gained 5-10 lbs and even though I have kept up the cardio and healthy eating, I have not lost any weight at all. I am doing weight watchers, I write down everything I eat religiously so I know I am not overdoing my caloric intake, but the weight will not come off. The only thing I can attribute it too is being on the pill. I am 5’4 and normally around 130-133, but I am up to 141-143 now and the scale refuses to budge. I just want to get back to my normal weight before I went on the pill. But going off the pill is not an option, I would rather carry the extra poundage than feel like I did before I went on it.
Why do birth control pills cause women to gain weight?
Q: Every female in my family who took birth control gained a substantial amount of weight! That’s why I didn’t want to be on it!
A: Birth control DOES make people gain weight but more importantly its not healthy to be on any medication…it can cause disease in the future (doctors will deny this because they are making money off of everyone who uses drugs) but go natrual! learn your body’s signs and you can’t get pregnant….read “Taking charge of your Fertility” by tony wechler…it was a God send!!!
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