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How do i get rid of acne in under a week

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Avoid sugar, eat more fiber. Eat food that is high in anti-oxidents such as fish, green tea and nuts. Wash the face with an over the counter face wash- Can use honey a natural antimicrobial, berries and oatmeal to make a mask. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-i-get-rid-of-acne-in-under-a-week ]
More Answers to “How do i get rid of acne in under a week
How do i get rid of acne in under a week
Avoid sugar, eat more fiber. Eat food that is high in anti-oxidents such as fish, green tea and nuts. Wash the face with an over the counter face wash- Can use honey a natural antimicrobial, berries and oatmeal to make a mask. ChaCha!

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Q: i have had a pimple on me for 4 years! I want to get rid of my pimples in under a week. proactive doesn’t work. What should i use? products and brands are much appreciated.Does Neutrogena work?
A: this works overnight1Wash your whole face with luke warm water. Step2Apply any kind of toothpaste to the affected area and leave on for 10-15 minutes, this is the important part! Step3Once the toothpaste has been on for 10-15 minutes, wash it off and pat your face dry. Step4Now you need the rubbing alcohol, this will dry out your pimples and zap them away, get a Q-Tip and dip it in the alcohol, rub it over the affected area and go to sleep, the pimples will be gone overnight! This worked for me and it should for you.
How do you get rid of acne faster?
Q: Well I’m under 15 I exercise six days a week. I eat a balanced diet (fruits n’ veggies), no fizzy drinks, no chcolates, no chips, no oily or fried foods. I have clean dandruff free hair which is ALWAYS tied back. However I still get zits and washing my face three times a day with odinary unsented soap dosn’t work. Currently I use neutrogena oil free acne wash and their multi-vitamin thing morning and night their black head removing mask twice a week and clean and clear deep cleansing mask once a week and in the evening I wash my face with a clean and clear anti-acne bar. I’d like to loose my acne quicker before school starts I don’t expect to loose it all but I hope to at least make it less visible. My school dosn’t allow make up of any kind. My older sis got rid of her acne at 24 and I can’t wait that long. No urine crap. Serious ans only please.thx.The products I currently use are working and I’ve stopped getting mega zits but I still have acne their going…but not that fast. I live in the ‘ae and they don’t sell proactiv here.Yes I’m quite aware that what you eat dosn’t effect acne but to make my skin alot better otherwise. I’ve tried clearasil before this and after 7 months it stopped working. So right now I’m just taking a break from it.
A: Hello, if you are willing to read then check this site for lots of good info which will definitely help http://acne-medication.ebookorama.com/if it helps please remember me , cheers
How do I get rid of my acne?
Q: I know this is probably the most common question on Yahoo answers, and here I am asking it. I used to have my acne under control (6 weeks ago), but now it’s starting to spread to my face. It used to only be on my forehead and temples. The products I use are Clearasil Ultra Daily face wash and Clean & Clear astringent. I must admit I was away in Asia for vacation a long time and when I came back to America, I craved junk food. (I still do) I am now starting to eat my normal meals and some less sugary and greasy. Are there any diets for acne? What products for acne work the best and that work fast?
A: Drink 8 glasses of water everyday. Exfoliate your skin twice a week. Get some sun on your face. My brother has terrible acne and on the sides of his back he has no acne because he goes outside so much. Don’t eat any bagged or processed foods, only fresh foods(blueberries, strawberry, oranges, bananas, vegetables, kiwis, watermelon) Change your pillow case everyday, there are so much germs on there and your going to sleep. resting your skin on those germs everyday.Wash your face TWICE a day morning and night. Do not stress so much. Visit your dermatologist if nothing else will work for you.
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