Does anyone know the percentage of Americans are on anti-depressants or similar drugs?

Q:….And do you find it scary that everyone is so quick to “cure” their problems with pills? I mean, this is all pretty new. It’s not like there are studies on the long-term effects of these drugs. Are we a nation of drugged zombies that could snap at any given moment? Weren’t all the school shooters on meds?
More Answers to “Does anyone know the percentage of Americans are on anti-depressants or similar drugs?
Were not all zombies, and about 50% or lower of the school shooters that are students were on meds. A lot of them did it because of bullying. (hence the reason bullying is illegal in public schools, of course.) Besides, pills don’t make you zombies, they sometimes just change your attitude and personality at most, they couldn’t turn you into something as brain dead as you would believe.
No I don’t know the percentage, but I can see it happening. I am also taking meds. The pharmacutical companies are selling themlike drugs, even advertising them and making it look appealing to people. Then we in turn start to think more about our mentality, and other things, so we get prescibed medications. Doctors are drug dealers these days. Life is hard now. Everyone needs to find a quick fix for their hard times. Instead of dealing with them head on.
yes, i find it scary. i answered a Q and some of my A touched on what i think about the drug not saying im pro mj (marijuana), i just find it amazing that the government makes it illegal, yet has no problem with all the legal drugs that are available, many to children. got to love a system that caters to lobbyists.
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