How to Get Ready for the MSP Test for Washington Students

The MSP test is the Washington Measurements of Student Progress exam program. It is comprised of a series of exams for Washington students ranging from 3rd to 8th grade to gauge their learning development in a number or core subjects.

The following subjects are tested in the Washington MSP program: Reading in Grades 3 through 8, Math in Grades 3 through 8, Writing in Grades 4 and 7, and Science in Grades 5 and 8. This list of MSP tests is current as of August 2011.

To find out the basic topics for these MSP exams, go to the “Your Child’s Progress” page on the State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction website. On that page, you will see that there is a list of documents in several languages. These online documents give you the standards of learning for Washington students in each grade.

Parents and teachers should know early in the school year exactly what the standards are so each student will be ready to take the MSP exam in May of each year. There are some tips below for helping Washington students prepare for the Measurements of Student Progress.

With very young children, it is important to both discuss the learning standards and provide visual examples. This is particularly true of those under about 12 years of age. These kids have a tough time visualizing things, so you need to provide vivid examples. For example, when explaining the difference between solids and liquids, actually get a glass of water or some other liquid and a solid object. Pound the solid object on the table or do similar things to show that it does not change shape. Pour out the liquid to show how it easily moves and changes shape.

The above is an easy example and is part of the Washington kindergarten learning standards. Also ask questions of the student and see if he or she can answer. Keep in mind that it is hard to get personal attention in a classroom setting. Some students – especially shy ones – get lost in the mix. It is a parent’s job to do a thorough review at home to make sure the student is acquiring the knowledge necessary to do well on the MSP exams.

In higher grades (after the child learns to read well), weekly and monthly reviews of the material in the school textbooks is a good idea to make sure students both learned properly and are retaining the information. Parents should be doing this at home, as well. There are no specific ways (such as actual textbooks) to prepare for the Washington MSP exams. But it is a safe bet that a child will be ready for the tests if he or she has thoroughly been put through weekly and monthly reviews of all the material in the assigned textbooks for the relevant subjects that are tested on the Washington Measurements of Student Progress.


State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction: Your Child’s Progress

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