Should a guy wear a suit or tux to prom

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This is a matter of opinion, I myself would wear a tux, if you are bringing a date consult her and get her opinion as well. Thnks [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Should a guy wear a suit or tux to prom
Do guys have to wear tuxes to prom or can they wear suits??
Tuxes are sexy and emit class. It doesn’t matter if you can wear a suit or not. Go in upscale style. Turn heads! Oh yeah, stand up straight and treat your chickie like a lady. The others will be scratchin’ your door down for a chance to be …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Should my boyfriend wear a suit or tux to prom?
Q: Here is a picture of my dress. boyfriend wore a tux for my winter formal and he was very uncomfortable in it. He didn’t like how it fit. He really wants to wear a suit to prom, but will he be underdressed. I’m pretty sure that most guys at my school wear tuxes. I don’t care if he stands out, as long as he matches me well. So, suit or tux?
A: if your ok with him wearing a suit and you know he would opt for the suit….i say go for it! im sure he wont be considered under dressed….as long as both you like it! Have fun at prom and i love the dress!
Can guys wear suits to prom? What is nicer suit or tux? What do you prefer?
Q: Im a junior in high school and I wanna go alll out for my last high school year next year, and one of my main things is prom. I need help and any tips for prom on what i should wear, TUX or SUITS? and what do you prefer?
A: Get a tux……they look way better then a suit. I like wearing tux, they are custom fit so they are way more comfortable. When you wear a tux you just feel more sophisticated. You can also do more with a tux when it comes to ties and vests and colors.
Is it okay for a guy to wear a suit to prom instead of a tux?
A: That’s between you and your date. It’s not a wedding, after all.
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