Why do girls wear Bikinis and bras

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Girls don’t wear bikini swimsuits and bras at the same time. If you are referring to underwear then yes they do. Thanks. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-girls-wear-bikinis-and-bras ]
More Answers to “Why do girls wear Bikinis and bras
Do girls wear bikinis as bras?
Sometimes some girls MAY wear bikinis as bra’s probaly i hope you don’t cus i don’t!!! if you do wear them stop being cheap and go get a REAL bra at walmart!!!!!
Is it OK for a guy to wear girl bras, thongs, bikinis, dresses, t…?
why not?he isnt hurting anyone.I dress in skirts and heels too
Why girls must wear a bra what happens if wear a bikini when goin…?
if u dnt wear a bra u will get saggy boobs and nothing will happen if u wear a bikini instead keep the girls supported lol

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do girls wear bikinis as bras?
Q: Can anyone enlighten me?Just curious…..
A: No because they’re made out of a different material that is uncomfortable when worn for long periods of time (at least I think so).Also, most bikinis lack support for your breasts so they usually don’t serve any use as a bra.
is it OK for a guy to wear girl bras, thongs, bikinis, dresses, tang tops ?
A: why not?he isnt hurting anyone.I dress in skirts and heels too
why do boys like to dress like a girl like wearing bikinis, and ,bras, panties, minis ,tops ,and dresses?
A: You have to dress-up in girls bikinis, bras, panties, minis, tops and dresses yourself & then you’ll understand why other boys like to dress like a girl.jk
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