What are good Halloween costume ideas

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The Salt and pepper shaker costumes are cool ideas for couples!! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-good-halloween-costume-ideas ]
More Answers to “What are good Halloween costume ideas
What are good halloween costume ideas?
this is who i’m going as this year… i get to make a total a ss outta myself… it should be very humorous… http://poponthepop.com/images/gallery/dr… it’s not possible to be an american and not know who this clown is either 😉
What are good Halloween costume ideas for 3 girls
The big girl theme this year seems to be High School Musical 2 or Hanna Montana. ChaCha rocks!
Sexy Halloween Costume Ideas: How To Stand Out From the Crowd?
Wearing a sexy costume lets you transform yourself into the naughty character of your choice. Of course you don’t want to do what has already been overdone; the naughty nurse was cute the first five thousand times or so, but that would leav…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some good Halloween costume ideas?
Q: I need an idea with in a couple hours! Help! I want to buy one ASAP, but if there any other ideas i could buy stuff to make it able to make that costume. Thanks!
A: Nudist.You can either just go nude or get a black shirt and shorts. Make up a sign that says CENSORED in white letters (like the old Bugs Bunny cartoons) and wear that over. You won’t actually show anything but it’s still funny.
What are some Halloween costume ideas? Read description!?
Q: My friend and I are going to dress up for Halloween. We’re both females. It would be great if it’s something that comes in 2! Thank you!
A: single ladies, black leotard with big hooped earingsyou could dress up as twins, same hair colour and everything
What are some good halloween costume ideas? Do you think Paris Hilton in a jail suit is a good costume idea?
Q: I need to know some good halloween costume ideas. I want to go in a group (give me some group ideas too) like 6 people or so. I need ideas! Me, and my other friend as of right now are going to go as Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie in jail suits. Is that a good idea you think? Thanks!
A: I think that is a great costum idea! You should totally do it!!
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