What are some homemade face masks

Health related question in topics Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some homemade face masks”,you can compare them.

If you have oily or acne prone skin, mud or clay-based masks are great for balancing out your skin. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-homemade-face-masks ]
More Answers to “What are some homemade face masks
What are some homemade face masks?
Tomato face pack: Ingredients: Two to three tablespoons of tomato juice. Fifty grams of oatmeal One twenty five grams of yogurt Hundred ml of distilled water. Mix tomato juice with yoghurt. Boil the mixture of oatmeal and water for 20 minut…
How to Make Homemade Face Masks
・ 1 FACE MASK FOR ACNE If your skin is prone to breaking out, this is a great face mask to help. As soon… ・ 2 FACE MASK TO HELP TIGHTEN SKIN A great mask to help tighten the face is egg whites. Simply apply (only)… ・ 3 FACE MASK FOR DRY…
How to Make Homemade Facial Masks
・ 1 For a cleansing facial mask, slather yogurt on and allow to sit for about 20 minutes. ・ 2 For a tightening facial mask, slightly beat egg whites and coat thinly on face. Allow to dry for about… ・ 3 For a revitalizing facial mask, mix …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some good homemade face masks?
Q: I love making face masks and I really need some new ones to try so if you know of any please tell me!!! The all natural ones with fruit in them and stuff. THANKS!!!
A: natural face masks are the bestCheck out her sitehttp://kiakawaii.blogspot.com/she shows you how to make really working face maskfor acnesfor smoother skinblemishesand lots morei love her
What are some easy homemade face masks?
Q: what are some easy ( not too much complicated ingredients) homemade face mask recipes?whoever gives me the most, i will choose as best answer and i will rate you a 5Thanks :}
A: she show you everykinds of face masks!! http://kiakawaii.blogspot.com/-for acnesmoothscarsdry skinexfoliateshe’s very good
Can you please suggest some simple homemade face masks for oily skin?
Q: Thank you 🙂
A: I have an oily skin as well , I use yogurt for 30 min then wash it ,you will see the difference. another mask is lemon juice + 1ts of honey it is perfect . try also dried yeast+1ts of honey. rose water is nice as well.
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