What type of health benefits do green tea provide

Health related question in topics Food Drink .We found some answers as below for this question “What type of health benefits do green tea provide”,you can compare them.

Drinking green tea reduces the risk of esophageal cancer in by nearly sixty percent. Green tea lowers total cholesterol. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-type-of-health-benefits-do-green-tea-provide ]
More Answers to “What type of health benefits do green tea provide
Do green tea supplements provide the same health benefits as tea??
We still don’t have a definitive answer on this one. While the label says you’re getting 10 times (or more) the polyphenols in a cup of tea, the FDA has very loose policies regarding supplement labels. And even if packaging rules were mor…
Does Lipton Green Tea Citrus provide all the health benefits of r…?
Hot green tea is better. While both types of teas probably contain roughly the same amount of antioxidants and the like, the Lipton tea contains far too much sugar. The sugar also adds “empty” calories. So, if I had to choose between the tw…
Does iced green tea provide the same health benefits as hot tea??
Yes, the anti-oxidants and vitamins in tea will still be in iced tea. According to popular thought, hot tea has the benefit of warm beverages in that your body doesn’t have to warm it up; it can also be good for sinuses, etc., speaking only…
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