Are boogers nutritious

Health related question in topics Biology Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Are boogers nutritious”,you can compare them.

Doctors at the Mario Clinic in Franz, New Mexico have determined that boogeroucious pelletious, commonly known as boogers, may actually contain all of the daily nutrients needed by the human body. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are boogers nutritious
Do boogers have any nutritional value?
um that i know but if u run out of salt boogers are you number choice but i would not eat them but w/e
What is the nutritional value of BOOGERS?
I would prefer to eat insects. At least then, I get protein!
What kind of nutrition does a booger provide? How long can you li…?
Boogers are mucus (myoo-kuss). Mucus is the thin, slippery material that is found inside your nose. Many people call mucus snot. Your nose makes nearly a cupful of snot every day. Snot is produced by the mucous membranes in the nose, which …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are boogers nutritious?
A: Oh yeah. You keep eating them.
how is nasal mucus (or boogers) formed? Are they good to eat and nutritious?
A: About as nutritious as chewing your nails after scratching your butt.
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