How can you stop being hungry and eating

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You can’t stop it, it’s natural! But eating smaller meals more often (at least 5 times a day) can help stop you from overeating! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you stop being hungry and eating
How can you stop being hungry without eating ?
You need food, pet. I think you need to look at WHAT you’re eating. You need to ditch the junk food (there’s a reason it’s called junk food), white bread, fried food, cakes, sweets, anything with high sugar or salt, processed foods (particu…
How to Stop Being Hungry by Eating Protein, Fiber, and “good…?
・ 1 Put some almonds in your grocery cart. Almonds have 6 grams of protein and only a handful has almost… ・ 2 Grab some black beans. A cup of black beans has 15 grams of protein and fiber. These beans are great… ・ 3 Get some Quinoa. It …
What are some ways that will stop me from being hungry without ea…?
Two suggestions – when you first get up drink water, at least a quart. That helps dilute the acids in your stomach and cuts down on the hungry feeling. But as important – try and eat something. Losing weight will be easier if you try and ea…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can you stop being hungry without eating ?
Q: I want to stop eating so much through the day to loose some weight… but i keep getting hungry… how do i stop this hunger without eating ?
A: You need food, pet.I think you need to look at WHAT you’re eating. You need to ditch the junk food (there’s a reason it’s called junk food), white bread, fried food, cakes, sweets, anything with high sugar or salt, processed foods (particularly meat products -Gak!) and replace it with fruit, vegetables and colour.You can eat as much raw carrot, raw celery, raw red, green, yellow or orange peppers, raw broccoli or cauliflour, in the day as you want, you won’t gain weight from it. Fill up on these, drink plenty of water, and not only will you feel better, in a few days you will start to feel better because the rubbish you’ve been eating will start leaving your system, your body will be finally getting proper nutrition, and won’t need to store energy in the form of fat as an attempt to keep going, and your skin will start to glow, and your hair will also start to glow, and you will start to lose weight. Starving yourself is only going to make you GAIN weight because you will only put your body into famine mode, so that it will think it needs to store any energy you give it. And that energy is stored as fat.
how do i stop myself being hungry without eating, its starting to show in my belly?
Q: been eating more than usale latley and im hungry all the time, how can i stop eating! i dont wanna get fat or i will have even less chance of getting a gf if thats possible.before you start its not the weed, no i dont have the munchies. i havent smoked it in 2 weeks, since i lost my job.
A: You’re eating more because you are depressed.You lost your job, you just came off weed, you are insecure about women. If you sort that out you will eat normally again. Try not to worry about what you’re eating at the moment, get yourself mentally healthy and the rest will fall into place. Seriously, make an appointment with your doctor and go and talk about this. Even if nothing comes of it, talking about your problems out loud can really help you start to move forward. Good luck. x
What are some ways to stop being hungry without eating?
A: drink water. drink tea (unsweetened).. cold or hot (my personal favorite)
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