What are more negative side effects of aspartame

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are more negative side effects of aspartame”,you can compare them.

In an initial study, 12 rats out of 320 developed malignant brain tumors after receiving aspartame in an FDA trial [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-more-negative-side-effects-of-aspartame ]
More Answers to “What are more negative side effects of aspartame
Does aspartame actually have any negative side effects (short ter…?
It has both short term and long term effects. Some are immediate like blurry vision. It may also leads to diseases and cancer later on in life, but that’s only if you take in a good amount constantly.
Is aspartame safe to drink in diet soda? What are the negative ef…?
Not if you react badly to it, as my partner does! I read up on how Aspartame manufacturers (allegedly) bought all the FDA testers one-by-one until Aspartame was passed as safe, I also read in the same article that pilots were still banned…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much aspartame do you have to consume to experience negative side effects?
Q: I was just reading a question about Crystal Light and aspartame, and one answerer posted a huge list of physiological and mental problems aspartame can cause. My questions is, what levels of aspartame would one need to consume daily to experience these side effects? Pretty much everything I drink contains aspartame (diet coke, splenda, sweetener in coffee) and I do exhibit some of these symptoms (eye problems, for example).That’s a relief, thanks! But maybe I should switch to Splenda just to be on the safe side…
A: I wouldn’t worry about the hogwash and urban legends on the internet…and don’t believe the folks who spread it either. They’d have you believing that any symptom you have is caused by aspartame. Bogus.http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/aspartame.asphttp://www.acsh.org/publications/pubID.1316/pub_detail.asphttp://www.webmd.com/content/Article/102/106833.htmhttp://www.aspartamearchives.org/dangers-of-aspartame.htm
Does aspartame actually have any negative side effects (short term or long term)?
Q: Please provide sources if you can. I’d like to hear about different studies and research projects conducted on this question.How can if be proven that it is linked to cancer? It could take years to develop (ie in the distant future), and since it hasn’t existed long enough to know its supposed cancer existing properties (and we can’t time travel), how do we know that the aspartame caused the cancer, or that cancer will actually come into fruition?also, how much aspartame would need to be consumed to induce cancer?
A: It has both short term and long term effects. Some are immediate like blurry vision. It may also leads to diseases and cancer later on in life, but that’s only if you take in a good amount constantly.
How much aspartame can I drink in Coke Zero before its toxic?
Q: I sometimes consume one or two twelve-packs of the soda in a night when I have friends over.. and just heard on the news that an entire country banned it from the negative side effects of aspartame! And then read this.. http://www.sweetpoison.com/aspartame-side-effects.htmlSo, how much soda can I drink before needing to worry about these symptoms?
A: Gow to www.aboutaspartame.com
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