What are symptoms of anemia

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Symptoms of anemia may include: fatigue, trouble breathing, chest pain, abdominal pain, weight loss and weakness. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-of-anemia ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms of anemia
・ You really need to see a doctor because depression, bad weather, and a myriad of other things can have … ・ Also though another symptom is a high heart rate and being tired all the time. But, if you get diagnosed …
Thalassemi, an inherited blood disorder, exists when an insufficient amount of hemoglobin, the oxygen supplying component of red blood cells, is produced. When red blood cells don’t develop…
Many of the symptoms will not be present with mild anemia, as the body can often compensate for gradual changes in hemoglobin. The following list includes the most common symptoms of anemia. However, each individual may experience symptoms …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do I have many of the symptoms of anemia?
Q: I was tested for anemia but I don’t have it. I have cold skin, fatigue, weakness, my heart races for no reason and I feel dizzy. What could be causing these symptoms? I also get headaches everyday and I feel weird tingling all over my body, sometimes even my forehead.
A: Sounds like you need to have your thyroid tested…the symptoms are similar…I have pernicious anemia, and have to have IV iron transfusions in the hospital a couple of times a year…but I recently was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid….similar symptoms, indeed…Ask for a fasting TSH 3&4 test
What causes symptoms in pernicious anemia?
Q: I’m looking for information as to the biochemical reason for pernicious anemia causing symptoms such as sore tongue, difficulty swallowing and stomach pain. I know it’s due to a B12 deficiency, but how does that extend to the symptoms I mentioned above? Please cite references if you know of any. I’ve been searching online for an hour with no luck. Thank you very much, and 10 points for the best answer.
A: I thought this was a result of an iron deficiency, so I looked this term up on the internet. This is what I found:People who have pernicious anemia can’t absorb enough vitamin B12 from food due to a lack of intrinsic (in-TRIN-sik) factor, a protein made in the stomach. This leads to vitamin B12 deficiency.The condition is called pernicious (“deadly”) anemia because it was often fatal in the past, before vitamin B12 treatments were available. Now, pernicious anemia usually is easy to treat with vitamin B12 pills or shots.With ongoing care and proper treatment, most people who have pernicious anemia can recover, feel well, and live normal lives.This article doesn’t address specific symptoms, but I think you should feel fortunate that at least your symptoms helped lead you to a diagnosis and possible treatment. It also said that if left untreated it can lead to symptoms and conditions much worse that that. The inflammation in any condition is debilitating and can drain you of energy and compound or complicate any disorder. You just need a regimen to compensate for your disorder so you can mend.
What are the symptoms of anemia?
Q: Are vegetarians prone to anemia? Not too sure if I have it or not, what are the symptoms?
A: Here is an extract from Wikipedia. Hope this will help. People with anemia report non-specific symptoms of a feeling of weakness, or fatigue, general malaise and sometimes poor concentration. They may also report shortness of breath, dyspnea, on exertion. People with severe anemia, their body may compensate for the lack of oxygen carrying capability of the blood by increasing cardiac output. The patient may have symptoms related to this, such as palpitations, angina (if preexisting heart disease is present), intermittent claudication of the legs, and symptoms of heart failure.On examination, the signs exhibited may include pallor (pale skin, mucosal linings and nail beds) but this is not a reliable sign. There may be signs of specific causes of anemia, example koilonychia (in iron deficiency), jaundice (when anemia results from abnormal break down of red blood cells — in haemolytic anemia), bone deformities (found in thalassaemia major) or leg ulcers (seen in sickle cell disease).In severe anemia, there may be signs of a hyperdynamic circulation: a fast heart rate (tachycardia), flow murmurs, and cardiac enlargement. There may be signs of heart failure.Pica, the consumption of non-food based items such as dirt, paper, wax, grass, ice, and hair, may be a symptom of iron deficiency, although it occurs often in those who have normal levels of hemoglobin.Chronic anemia may result in behavioral disturbances in children as a direct result of impaired neurological development in infants, and reduced scholastic performance in children of school age.Restless legs syndrome is more common in those with iron deficiency anemia.Less common symptoms: swelling of the legs, arms, chronic heartburn, vague bruises, vomiting, increased sweating, and blood in stool.
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