What does fish oil do

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What does fish oil do”,you can compare them.

Fish oil has been shown to benefit the eyes, especially dry eye syndrome. It has also been proven to help dry skin and sometimes Attention Deficit Disorder. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-fish-oil-do ]
More Answers to “What does fish oil do
Fish oil contains Omega 3, an essential fatty acid. Omega 3 is also found in lesser amounts in walnuts, flaxseed, wheat germ, and canola oil. The American diet is almost devoid of Omega 3. Seven critical functions of essential fats are: Dev…
lowers cholestoral.
The question, “What does fish oil do?” comes up daily in my clinic. In order to make it easier for my patients to access some relevant answers, I created this page. While this is not an exhaustive list of the health benefits of c…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does fish oil help the human body?
Q: How does fish oil help the human body?? I take them 3 times a day, and I feel better on days I take them when I don’t take them. WHY IS THIS?No wonder when I stopped taking it, my face broke out. Genius.
A: it supplies omega 3 oils, which acts as a powerful antioxidant but more importantly, it is an anti-inflammatory. so it is like a natural pain reliever and reduces inflammation, swelling, and helps blood flow. if you have arthritis or aches, etc. it probably helps that.
Does taking fish oil vitamins really make a difference?
Q: I have been taking fish oil for several months now. I have been told by my doc it can be very beneficial. But after taking it it tastes fishy. Not my favorite taste for the morning. Does this happen to anyone else?
A: Yea!I took them for about a week and I didnt notice a difference, so I stopped because I didnt think it was worth the taste.It like slips and slides down your throat.Ewh!Hahaa, :].
What does fish oil do to your body?
Q: People are often telling me to take fish oil tablets, so I am curious, what does fish oil do to your body? What is it good for? What does it prevent?Thanks!
A: well i know that fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acid this helps your brain causing you not to lose memory
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