Will my poop smell later

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Will my poop smell later”,you can compare them.

Poop will vary in smell depending on the type of foods and drinks that you consume. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-my-poop-smell-later ]
More Answers to “Will my poop smell later
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why does my cats poop smell extremely abnormally bad?
Q: okay, so when my youngest cat poop it smells extremely bad. i mean abnormally bad….i will clean the litter boxes and then 20 minutes later my house smells so bad like the litter has been sitting there for a week. i have always fed my cats the Meow Mix brand. his poop has never ever smelled like this since i have had him. it just recently started…should i take him to the vet or does this sound normal to you guys?and please, i am being serious so no dumb answers please. thanks everybody!
A: How often has this been going on? If it’s just today, I wouldn’t jump to being concerned, as everyone has a right to an ”upset tummy” on occasions.But, if the strong odor persists, I would see if the stool looks loose/runny or if there’s anything present (worms) that shouldn’t be.Also, see if you can’t catch your cat getting into something that you may not realize he is eating. That could cause it, as well.
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Q: I was walking my dog down the dirt road and deer poop was there- he smelt it and seconds later he falls to the ground and rolls around and growls, then he gets up, does it again and then attempts to eat it? Idk what it was, it looked like a beetle that he smelt, a dead-flat-one. 😀 maybe its a stink bug?
A: This is not that uncommon. Dog’s tend to roll around dead animals, poop and other fowl smelling things as an instinctual way to mask their smell. Wolves do this when they go for a hunt. My dogs like to roll around dead birds or squirrels that they kill. If you are out for a walk i suggest using a lead or leash so that you’ll be able to prevent it from actually rolling around in it or eating it. I would also correct your dog and train him not to do it as much as possible. This last part may be difficult to rid of since its an instinctual act. Good luck
My dog ate cat poop…what do I do about the smell?
Q: My beagule puppy was at my friends house and jump in her cats litter box eating the cats poop. Later that night she threw it up and the smell was horrible….It was probably the worst thing I smelled in my life. I cleaned her crate. This morning she still smells like it. I washed her and it seemed to work for a few but you could clearly smell it on her face. It was horrible. She smells so bad and i dont know what to do about the smell. Any suggestions.?
A: Normally you could clean who teeth to get the smell out of the teeth then wash her body oh yeah make sure you clean the tongue because that is a major problem of the smell.
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