What is the alcohol content of Vodka

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition Bars Nightlife .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the alcohol content of Vodka”,you can compare them.

80 proof [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-alcohol-content-of-vodka ]
More Answers to “What is the alcohol content of Vodka
What is the alcohol content in fruit beer,whisky,vodka,wine?
if you are buying it from a store, beer (and fruit beer) is almost always 5-6% alcohol in the US. Wine can be 12% or a little more. It all says on the particular bottle. Same with hard alcohol, alcohol content is listed on the bottle as ‘pr…
Does heating vodka increase the alcohol content?
No, quite the opposite. Alcohol is more volatile than water, and the alcohol evaporates faster than the water. And vodka is pretty much a mixture of pure ethyl alcohol and water.
What is the difference in the alcohol content between Everclear a…?
The average vodka is 80 proof, or 40% by volume. It does come in 90 and 100 proof too, 45% and 50% respectively. Everclear is a pure grain alcohol, which is 190 proof, or 95% alcohol by volume. It’s quite a difference.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how do i say heat a mixture of strawberries and straw vodka without losing alcohol content?
Q: im making a sweet topping of powdered sugar, and strawberries reduced ib strawberry vodka with a sweetend cornstarch rue. now im wondering if i can heat the vodka up to reduce the strawberries and activate the cornstarch but still keep alcohol content.
A: most heated alcoholic drinks you heat and prepare the mix separately from the alcohol, then dump it together at the last minuit… at least that’s the common “hot toddy” method. the problem is alcohol evaporates around 180, while water boils at 212… if you could heat the drink somehow and make sure to not get over 180 Farenheit, you won’t have lost MUCH alcohol.
What happens to the alcohol content when bad vodka freezes?
Q: I tested with 2 cheap bottles, and the vodka was more watered down when defrosted. When you cook with alcohol, it is burned off, is it the same for freezing? If so, why? It was 21% alcohol by volume/ 40 proof.
A: You can put vodka in the freezer. But it does not freeze… The only thing that happens is it gets ice cold and tastes bloody gorgeous! The alcohol content does not change.21% alcohol content vodka..? I’m surprised it didn’t freeze…
What is the alcohol content of vodka?
A: the classic vodka contains 40%.
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