What would happen if a 15 year old took Mega T Green Tea dietary supplement

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What would happen if a 15 year old took Mega T Green Tea dietary supplement”,you can compare them.

Mega T Green Tea supplement is supposed to rev up your metabolism and help you lose weight. It’s best for 15 year olds not to take weight loss supplements as your body is not done developing and can be stunted. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-would-happen-if-a-15-year-old-took-mega-t-green-tea-dietary-supplement ]
More Answers to “What would happen if a 15 year old took Mega T Green Tea dietary supplement
What would happen if a 15 year old took Mega T Green Tea dietary …?
Mega T Green Tea supplement is supposed to rev up your metabolism and help you lose weight. It’s best for 15 year olds not to take weight loss supplements as your body is not done developing and can be stunted.
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