Does alcholism lead to heart disease

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does alcholism lead to heart disease”,you can compare them.

Alcoholism and regular consumption of alcohol can lead to a higher risk for Heart Disease, stroke, or cancer. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does alcholism lead to heart disease
Does alcholism lead to heart disease
Alcoholism and regular consumption of alcohol can lead to a higher risk for Heart Disease, stroke, or cancer. ChaCha again!
What can lead to heart disease?
Cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, being overweight, not getting enough exercise, being over age 55, and a family history of early heart disease can all lead to heart disease.
How Does Cholesterol Lead to Heart Disease?
How does high cholesterol affect your cardiovascular system? Let me see if I can explain and keep the process easy to understand! First the endothelium (thin inner lining of your blood vessels) becomes damaged and inflamed. This damage can…
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