What medical conditions cause a tremor in the body

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Neurological problems that can produce tremor include stroke, traumatic brain injury, and neurodegenerative diseases that damage parts of the brain. Other causes: the use of some drugs, alcohol abuse, mercury poisoning, or liver failure. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-medical-conditions-cause-a-tremor-in-the-body ]
More Answers to “What medical conditions cause a tremor in the body
What medical conditions cause a tremor in the body
Neurological problems that can produce tremor include stroke, traumatic brain injury, and neurodegenerative diseases that damage parts of the brain. Other causes: the use of some drugs, alcohol abuse, mercury poisoning, or liver failure.

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Q: Before I say anything else: Please do not just answer with things like “Go to the emergency room/doctor/hospital” and nothing else. It isn’t happening to me, and it isn’t happening right now, so that doesn’t help at all. Thank you.I’m trying to understand something that happened to one of my roommates recently. If it is appropriate to recommend medical care (immediate or otherwise,) please do so in the context of a longer answer with an explanation as to what you suspect might have happened and why a doctor should be consulted. I’m trying to understand something, not get advice about whether or not to get the problem treated and how fast. Your answers should reflect this. Again, thank you very much for your consideration in this matter. :)Just pretend this person is in front of you right now and answer to the best of your ability. Drug ingestion/withdrawal (legal and illegal), malingering, and psychosomatism have already been ruled out as possible causes.The person in question is 19 and female. She is hypoglycemic, anemic, hemophilic, is infected with MRSA, and has been in full remission from lung cancer for a few years. She also suffers from some mental health issues, including BPD, but they do not seem to be involved. She is lying down but able to sit up with some minor help. There is overall muscular weakness. She feels as if she is “dying” (she knows she isn’t actually going to die, but that’s the subjective description of how it feels.)There are many obvious involuntary tremors, jerks, and other uncontrolled motor activity across the entire body, not just the limbs. The muscles in both feet have cramped up and locked to the point that the joints are all immobile.She is conscious, somewhat “out of it” but basically oriented, and is capable of clear verbal communication, albeit her voice is soft and weak. She feels a constant, overwhelming internal heat alternating with coldness, and an internal “fading” sensation. Her pupils are of normal size and respond normally to light. She has not vomited but feels as if she would were she to attempt to ingest anything. No thermometer is available to use, but a manual attempt to estimate her temperature (hand on forehead) suggests no, or very mild, fever. Forehead feels damp and clammy. There is noticeable but not profuse sweating. The syndrome began unexpectedly and without warning, developing over the course of ten to fifteen minutes and persisting for over an hour at least, with full consciousness the entire time.A panic attack was suffered several hours earlier in the day, a few other more routine daily-life stressors happened, but these happened many hours before the syndrome manifested and seem unrelated. No other noteworthy incidents have occurred. Sleep the night before was very poor to nonexistent. No food has been eaten today. There was transient vomiting earlier in the day. She has taken her glucose as prescribed.What is going on with this girl? Is this a specific identifiable disorder or something less easily defined? If it is a specific condition, what is it called and what triggers it? Is this something for which she needs medical care or can it be treated safely at home? If so, what are appropriate measures to take? If the symptoms return, should she go to the emergency room, or make an appointment to see her primary care physician? Should she see her doctor about the incident even if the syndrome does not return? Please provide as much detail and specificity as possible in your reply. The more accurate data I can get, the better. If you need more information, please say so and I will edit this query to include it if possible. I would love to hear from one or more people with medical degree(s) and training, but I need to hear from anyone with knowledge and/or experience with this. Thank you very much for your time and expertise in solving this puzzling conundrum.Thank you very much, but I said above that I have already ruled out psychiatric causes. The panic attack happened 12+ hours before the symptoms began, and she was fine between then and the beginning of the problem. Also, she is/was emotionally calm and not exhibiting any signs of panic or serious anxiety. Her breathing was normal. These aren’t just little tremblings I’m talking about, they’re almost seizure-like jerks and convulsions, just not quite so intense or overwhelming. I too have suffered from panic attacks and have helped her through several of her own in the past. If it were a panic attack I would have known it. A kidney stone seems a more likely possibility… wouldn’t that be associated with kidney pain, though?
A: kidney stone!
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