Homemade Dog Food Can Save Money and Promote Health

Anyone who has taken the time to read the ingredients of their pet’s food can see what is good for your pet and what is bad. If preservatives or fillers (such as corn) are among the first few ingredients, you know your pet isn’t getting the best food. But, the high cost of premium foods may keep you from buying a better food for your dog. Some pet owners might consider saving money by feeding their dog food from their own plate. This can be a very bad idea. If your dog has always been fed a commercial dog food, suddenly switching him to table scraps is going to cause stomach and intestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea. Also, when thinking of long term effects, a life time diet of “people” food will shorten life span and/or cause health problems later in life.

Why not consider using the proper ingredients to make your own dog food. It is recommended that you make sure your food has 40 percent meat, 30 percent vegetables and 30 percent starch. While I’ve read that some people will feed their dog raw meat, there’s no reason that you shouldn’t cook it, as some may find raw meat unpleasant. Chicken is by far the healthiest of choices, but beef and lamb may also be used. Any vegetables may be used, cooked or raw, whichever way your dog may prefer, just remember, what’s most nutritious for us, is also most nutritious for them. Oatmeal, pasta, brown rice or potatoes is recommended for the starch requirement. And remember, there won’t be any preservatives in the food you make, so throw out any unused, cooked dog food after 3 days. There are many websites online that will give recipes for homemade dog food. Among them, Homemade Dog Food Recipes and Homemade Pet Food Article – Allrecipes.com

Keep in mind that some human foods can be unsafe for dogs to consume. Chocolate, coffee and tea, raisins and grapes, nutmeg, raw eggs, onions, and macadamia nuts are among unsafe foods. Remember, any switch in your pet’s diet can upset its digestive system. To solve that problem a gradual switch, mixing former diet with the new diet for a week or so is recommended. It’s also a good idea to talk to your vet before any change in diet is made.


eHow contributor, “How to Make Homemade Dog Food,” eHow.com

unknown, “How to Make Your Own Dog Food,” suite101.com/dogs

My own experiences.

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