How do I know what my frame size is

How do I know what my frame size is

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I know what my frame size is”,you can compare them.

It depends on whether you are female or male. Check out this link to find out more. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I know what my frame size is
How do you know your BODY FRAME SIZE?
If your small then i’m micro XD I’m 5’8, 16 and 100 (ish) lbs soooo very light, although i’m not unhealthy or anything You are medium, just simply look out in the street, not at models XD… but if your bigger than most people your probably…
How do you know what size frame you have?
This is actually a very easy one. Don’t worry about tape measures. All you need to do is wrap your index finger and thumb around your wrist. The best place is in that dip between your hand and the bump formed by you arm bone. Small frame = …
What is the Custom Setup program? What if I know what frame size …?
Actually, it’s much more than just a getting the correct frame size. Check out our Custom Setup Program!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What size external frame will i need for my new front door? I bought a 78×30 door but need to know frame size?
Q: i bought a 78×30 (Inches door) but need to know if i buy the same size frame or does it have to be a different size?
A: You need a jamb set for a 2-6 x 6-8 door. Most likely, you will not be able to find that specific size in stock. Home centers, like HD or Lowe’s, sell a stock exterior jamb set that fits a 3-0 x 6-8 door. You will have to cut 6″ off of the head, and 2″ or so off of the side jamb pieces. It comes with weatherstripping as well, but you will need to buy and cut a threshold. You will also have to mortise the jambs for hinges, and drill for the strike plate of the lockset. Hope this helps.
What is the easiest and cheapest way to frame an oddball size print: 13×16 ?
Q: I have a set of 3 prints I’d like to frame, size 13 x 16. I’m not very knowledgeable about framing them myself, and so far my best guess is to get a 16×20 frame and cut a mat to size. But I’m not sure how to do this, nor do I have a lot of money to spend on the project. Can anyone more familiar with this help me out please? Thanks!
A: I would take it somewhere and have it framed, so it’s done right and looks nice. Michael’s and Joann’s are always putting out coupons for 50-60% off custom framing orders and if you stick to a cheap frame you can get it done for around $20-$40 I would imagine. I just had Four smaller prints done at Michael’s and with the coupon I got them all done for $25 so I would try that. But if that’s to expensive for you then then I suggest you browse the frame aisle at your local craft store a lot of them do have odd sizes or go for the matting like you first suggested, but I don’t think 16×20 frames are that cheap especially with a matt. Good Luck!!!
How do you determine what size frame you are?
Q: I’ve seen sites that say to wrap you fingers around your wrist and if your thumb and middle finer just touch you have a medium frame.If I were to do this mine over lap by nearly half an inch, which according to those sites makes me a small frame.But i know from bracelets and such that my wrist is very large, thus contradicting my supposed frame size.This makes absolutly no sense to me, care to share a different way to find your size frame?
A: Feet are usually a pretty good indicator. Larger than the average size feet for your height and youre a larger frame but nature occasionally throws this into disarray as i’ve known a huge shouldered and wide hipped girl with size 3 feet…she wasnt fat, just huge boned. I go on a combination of hip shoulder and feet

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