How fast do fingernails grow

How fast do fingernails grow

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment Fitness Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How fast do fingernails grow”,you can compare them.

For adults they grow (on average) about 0.02 inches a week (or almost half a millimeter). [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How fast do fingernails grow
Healthy fingernails grow at a rate of approximately 0.8 inches or 2.0 centimeters per year. The middle fingernail grows fastest. Did you know that the longer the finger, the faster its nail will grow? For the same reason, the fingernails…
My fingernails used to grow slowly but ever since I started taking calcium pills, they grow real fast. so the answer: Calcium
Paint a line of nail polish along the base of one fingernail. After one week, measure how far the line has moved from the base of the fingernail. Measure after two weeks, then three weeks and four weeks. How much does a fingernail grow in…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it a good thing if your fingernails grow fast?
Q: Lately, I’ve noticed that my fingernails are growing very fast. I’m not sure but I don’t think they have ever grown this fast before. Does this mean I am healthy or not healthy?
A: if the nails themselves are healthy, then you are fine. being on the BC pill makes your hair and nails grow faster sometimes! and medication in general, and being sick, can affect it.
Fingernails: how fast do they grow, and are the dents across nails indicative of stress?
Q: How fast do fingernails grow. And is it true that dents across your fingernails indicate a period of stress in your life during the time?(I’m curious because I just started eating meat again about 8 months ago after 9 years of vegetarianism, and I’m wondering if that corresponds to a dent in my nails — I know it’s kinda weird.)
A: Not usually stress but a lack of vitamins or minerals or disease process going on.Everyone’s nails grow at different rates.Ever notice your toenails grow slower than your fingernails?
What does it mean if your fingernails grow fast?
Q: I am an 18 year old male and I have to clip my nails every 2 days. I cut them very short but they grow so fast. My hair is the same way. I have to get a haircut once a month.
A: that you’re lucky.

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