How many calories are burned when you run a mile

How many calories are burned when you run a mile

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories are burned when you run a mile”,you can compare them.

If an average woman weighs 150 pounds and walks at a speed of 3 mph, then she would walk 1 mile in 20 minutes,burning 75 calories. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are burned when you run a mile
How many calories do you burn when you run a mile?
One pound is equal to 3500 calories, which is almost double the recommended daily intake. If I remember correctly running one mile burns like 250? (probably wrong but high school health was a long time ago, but I remember it wasn’t every…
How many calories do I burn running a mile?
The number of calories you burn running depends upon three factors: your weight, pace of your runs, and duration. Neither of the other respondents mentioned weight as a factor, but this is quite important when making these calculations. Ima…
Does walking a mile and running a mile burn the same amount of ca…?
I get really tired and sore, im not fat, after running a mile, plus, my dog does not ever get enough exercise. So, I generally walk the mile for my dog so he gets more time outside. My question is walking a mile and running a mile burning…

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How many calories burned in a mile run?
Q: I just ran a mile in about 8 minutes around a track, then walked a mile around it, how many miles was burned in all and seperetaly? Thanks in advance.
A: It takes about 100 calories to cover 1 mile, it doesn’t matter whether you run or walk it is the same.If you run you are burning more calories per minute, but you finish the mile much faster than if you walk the mile, which is why the calories used are the same.
Apporximately how many calories are burned for each mile you run?
Q: I have recently gotten into running. I’m intersted in shedding a few pounds, and was wondering if any can give me a rough formula for the approximate amount of calories I burn per mile I run (I understand it won’t be precise, but I would still like to be able to calculate a rough estimate). I appreciate any info you guys have.
A: There’s a chart at the bottom of the following link that gives formulas to determine your calorie-burn while running and walking.,7120,s6-242-304-311-8402-0,00.html
How many calories do you burn when you run a mile?
Q: If you run a mile, and lose ____ calories, how many pounds have you lost??
A: I would also go with 200 caloriesYou’d probably lose about half a pound.

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