How many push ups should I do to get stronger

How many push ups should I do to get stronger

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many push ups should I do to get stronger”,you can compare them.

Start out with about 25 and work your way up, until you can do 100 or so at a time. ChaCha For Now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many push ups should I do to get stronger
How many push ups should i do to get stronger the fastest?
Challenge yourself and do as many as you can. Good luck!
How many push ups should i do everyday to get stronger for high s…?
Push ups are one piece of the puzzle, if you do indeed want to get in better specific baseball condition, just doing push ups is just a drop in the pond. However, since your question is just specific to push ups… the best pushup for a bas…
How much push-ups I should do daily to get strong my weight is 63…?
To start of do 10 in the morning before breakfast then another 10 after your done eating. Then at night do the same before and after eating. This will build up the muscle to get used to doing push-ups. Do it for a week, then go up to fiftee…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many push ups should i do to get stronger the fastest?
Q: Im a 15 year old high school wrestler and i need to get stronger soon. summer practices start in a week and i have a rivalry with a kid on my team. the one thing keeping me from beating him is my strength. can someone give me a push up plan so get my upper body stronger. i am willing to put in a lot of push ups every day. Thank you.
A: Challenge yourself and do as many as you can. Good luck!
How many push ups should i do everyday to get stronger for high school baseball next season?
Q: how many should i do every morning before school, how many when i get home from school, and how many before i go to sleep.. (i cant go to after school weight lifting because after school classes.)
A: Push ups are one piece of the puzzle, if you do indeed want to get in better specific baseball condition, just doing push ups is just a drop in the pond.However, since your question is just specific to push ups… the best pushup for a baseball player is where you get in a normal pushup position, except when you push up, you push up forcefully and clap your hands before going back down and repeating. If you can’t do that right away, stick with normal push ups, only if you start going slow or struggling, stop. You want to move fast and explosively, if you start going slow or struggling you’re not targeting the specific muscles we want to target. If you do things at different speeds, different muscle patterns can activate that are not optimum. Also not all of your gains would transfer over onto the field.As for how many, again, however many you can do while keeping good technique and moving explosively.
How many push ups should i do every night?
Q: Hi, im 13 years old 5’3 about 105 pounds. I can do about 40 pushups( i dont know whether its good or not). I want to get stronger. How many push ups should i do every day?
A: 50mitch

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