Is it easier to bench press when you have shorter arms

Is it easier to bench press when you have shorter arms

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Yes, shorter arms make it easier to bench press, as the range of motion is shorter than for someone with longer arms. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it easier to bench press when you have shorter arms
Is it easier to bench press if you have shorter arms??
I would say no. I am 6′ 5″ tall, 265 lbs. I have had workout partners of both heights over the past 17 years of bodybuilding and weight training. It comes down to proper form, desire and heart. For some people, seeing heavy weight ab…

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Is it easier to bench press if you have shorter arms?
Q: rugby props tend to be able to lift more weight than there taller team mates who have longer arms
A: I would say no. I am 6′ 5″ tall, 265 lbs. I have had workout partners of both heights over the past 17 years of bodybuilding and weight training. It comes down to proper form, desire and heart. For some people, seeing heavy weight above their chest, arms stretched out, might be a bit intimidating (men and women) preventing them from apply their full focus to the bench press.It comes down to the individual and if he/she is willing to give 100% when training. These are my experiences.
Please help me with out this workout myth.. Shorter people have it easier when it comes to lifting weights…?
Q: This is because of the shorter limbs therefore shorter range. For example the deadlift, shorter people have to go up less because of the shorter arms, same applies to the bench press. I’m about 5’6 and I can easily lift more than my buddies, I don’t know if its an excuse but all they say is its becase you don’t have to go as high/low/long… please help…
A: It has mostly to do with lever arm length and torque. An example would be: see the difference of the weight of a dumbbell you could lift on a lateral raise with arms straight vs. elbows bent. What that does is change the lever arm length. 

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