What are some things to do for quick weight loss

What are some things to do for quick weight loss

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For quick weight loss, drink a lot of water, more than 8 oz. per day. Also, eat a diet composed of mostly fruits and vegetables, and do aerobic exercise. Thank you for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-things-to-do-for-quick-weight-loss ]
More Answers to “What are some things to do for quick weight loss
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Quick Weight Loss Tips – How To Lose Weight Fast
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A Quick Weight Loss Diets – Is It Any Good For You?
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A: You can train your body to burn more fat. And it’s easy. Any aerobic style exercise will do it. Walking is the absolute best exercise for working off fat and gaining fitness. It’s easy and it’s free. More people shed their excess kilos and maintain their goal weight through taking up a regular walking routine than by any other means
Diet methods for quick weight loss?
Q: Hey everyone. I am looking for some quick weight loss methods to drop about 15 pounds in 5 weeks. I have done the healthy lifestyle and am working out, but need more. Does anyone have any extra ideas (lots of protein, no fat, lots of water, lots of celery) any thing like that to help get the rest of the weight off. Please no answers about cutting intake, etc., I already do it. Thank you.
A: Ok, for you to read an extra fast weight loss guide, you are probably looking to dropping a few pounds in a few days. You are probably already on a diet and still looking for other ways to kill the extra calories in whatever time you have. So here are some food and exercise tips to supplement your ongoing diet. As seen from many diets, drinking lots of water is crucial to extra fast weight loss. For example, you can consume cold water to cut the calories. This is because your body tries to keep itself at a constantly warm temperature so will expend calories to warm your body up. (However, if you are a believer in traditional Chinese medicine and since the latter does not advocate drinking iced drinks, you may want to tick this suggestion off your list) Secondly, when you get hungry, try having a glass of water before reaching for a bite since our body sometimes mistake thirst for hunger. Wait 5 minutes before deciding you really need that snack. Most of the time, you do not!Now to your food, if like me, you must have a sugar fix almost every few hours in a day, extra fast weight loss for you is simply by not indulging in this harmful habit! It is easy to say but how exactly to go about doing it? Studies have shown that people crave sweets and starches to increase the ‘feel-good’ hormone serotonin. So find out why you crave such foods instead of just blindly giving into your cravings. Another way is to purge your home of junk, having to travel to get a snack is sure to put your dent in your appetite. Full article is here : http://www.fast-diets.co.cc/

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