What are the best ways to speed up metabolism

What are the best ways to speed up metabolism

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To improve your metabolic efficiency you only need to alter what you eat and what you do a little bit to experience a difference. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-best-ways-to-speed-up-metabolism ]
More Answers to “What are the best ways to speed up metabolism
What are the best ways to speed up metabolism?
Here’s a quick list of foods to help you lose weight quickly and safely by speeding up your metabolism. This is not a quick fix, but rather is a long term commitment to your overall health. You can read the full story at my blog. In additio…
What are the best ways to speed up my metabolism?
Exercise like: long distance running or intense swimming for long. This is because when your body is working hard for a long time then you’re using aerobic respiration (uses your body’s sugar for energy) as power and not anaerobic (short ti…
What’s the best way/how does one speed up their metabolism??
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to give you metabolism a boost. Include moderate-to-vigorous exercise into your day for at least a half-hour 4-6 days per week. Getting a good night’s rest will help you feel more energetic during th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the best ways to speed up metabolism?
Q: i quit smoking and there for i eat more. i try to eat things that are healthy and i exercise 3 times a week, any ideas?
A: Here’s a quick list of foods to help you lose weight quickly and safely by speeding up your metabolism. This is not a quick fix, but rather is a long term commitment to your overall health. You can read the full story at my blog. In addition to the food, you should do moderate exercise. 20 minutes a day is usually enough.1. Water – not technically a food, but drinking plenty of water plays a major role in overall health and weight loss.2. Spicy food, chili peppers in particular.3. Fish, particularly fish such as salmon and trout which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Latest research indicates that taking fish oil as a supplement offers the same benefits as eating fish rich in Omega-3.4. Protein-rich foods, such as turkey, chicken, or lean beef.5. Fiber-rich vegetables.Good luck with your weight loss and congratulations on quitting smoking. I know personally how hard that is to do because I smoked for more than 40 years and quit about 6 years ago.
wat are the best and fastest ways to speed up metabolism?
Q: how long wil it take for them to actualy start acting on the body…….
A: Eat 5 smalls meals every 3 hours, drink green tea and lots of water, eat spicy foods, like jalapenos, cayenne pepper, lemon juice or lemonade…etc.
what are some ways to speed up metabolism?
Q: i heard that adding lemon juice to water helps to speed up metabolism, are there any other ways to naturally speed up metabolism but are still healthy and easy?
A: eating more fruits and vegetables with your meals and as snacks. cut back on junk food.

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