What are some ways to improve focus in class

What are some ways to improve focus in class

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Physical activity before class could get blood flowing and improve focus. A hearty energy providing meal is good too. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-ways-to-improve-focus-in-class ]
More Answers to “What are some ways to improve focus in class
How can I stay focused all the way throughout a class??
I have the same problem. One thing that helps greatly is taking notes of whatever said by anyone in the class. Just keep taking notes constantly. Those scripts help a lot afterwards when you prepare for exams as well.

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A: You love reading, that is a tremendous advantage. I had some terrible teachers in public schools, just going throughthe motions, putting their time in but even they recognizedthat they should at least orally mention anything they were going to ask on an exam. Pay attention during class to what is said, its probably important. Learn the short cuts on effective note taking, key words, abbreviations, etc. Its like writing the outline for a speech, brief, concise. You don’t want to be so involved in the mechanics of note taking that you miss what is being said. Practice til it becomes natural and when you are reading your key words in your notes it will bring to mind what was said and why you chose that key word or phrase.Also, I always thought “why” as much as “what”. If you understand the ‘WHY” of something it’s truly yours. There are some very good books and articles on improving your memory, there are short cuts. If you are covering a subject in class that is dry or boring with a lot of dates and such -flesh it out by reading the more interesting details foundin books or on the Internet. Take pride in being smart.
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A: How about Chandler software project spearheaded by Mitch Kapor that ultimately never came into fruition.There’s even a book written about the failed project,Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent SoftwareIf you’re interested for more info, just search ‘Chandler kapor’ in Google.
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A: the best way to raise a grade is to do the math teacher so she raises your grade.

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