What Hyper extended elbow

What Hyper extended elbow

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Hyperextension is a straightening movement that goes beyond the normal, healthy boundaries of the joint. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-hyper-extended-elbow ]
More Answers to “What Hyper extended elbow
What do I do for a hyper extended elbow?
Thanks for the advice I was wondering if I should put heat or cold on it. Yeah I’m glad because I already have a few other injuries I’m working through so anything worse than this and I would have been pissed.
What does hyper-extended feel like in the elbow?
I just had that same kind of feeling in my elbow. I just straightened it out a few times a day and iced it down. A few days later it was fine.
Can you hyper extend your elbow?
yeah, u can. and it hurts like hell. just relax and take some advil. u’ll get better.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Hyper-Extended elbow, what to do?
Q: I’m pretty sure I Hyper-Extended my elbow at football practice. I have a spring game Friday, and I’m Starting. What can I do to make it feel better by Friday?
A: i had that on my knee. um… i wasn’t really in the a hurry. all i did was to stay off training for awhile. trained a bit… but you have to rest.
Hyper-extended Elbow?
Q: About a year ago I was serving in volleyball, and all the sudden i got a horrible pain in my elbow and i could barley bend my arm. The pain eventually went away, so I did nothing about it. Now every time I serve it hurts, but not as bad as it was the first time. Is it possible that I hyper-extended my elbow, and it never healed properly?If so is there anything I can do about this?
A: yes it is possible to have that kind of damage and as far as anything to do about it now – splint/support the affected area and ice before and after
How do I stop hyper extending my elbow when I jab/right cross?
Q: Every time I go to jab/right cross, I hyper extend my elbow. Is there anything I can do to prevent this, and jab/right cross normally?Thanks in advance.
A: Break down the jabbing/crossing movements into slow motion to practice the proper form. Then as you learn the so-called “muscle memory”, do it a little faster, keeping good form. Keep it up until you reach punching speed again.

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