Is there any diet that can give me abs

Is there any diet that can give me abs

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Unfortunately there is no diet that will give you abs, but you can create an exercise routine that includes walking, cardio, and weight training that will help you gain more defined abs. ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there any diet that can give me abs
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Is there a way to make the Abs diet vegetarian?
Q: I really want to do the Abs Diet, but they use a lot of meat in their recipies. Is there a way to make it vegetarian. Thanks for ur help!!!
A: Perhaps you could replace the meat with nuts.
Is there anyone who can give me the basic outline of the “Abs Diet”?
Q: Just what to eat and what workouts to do
A: What I do know that will keep your abdomen in shape is to ensure that you have a free bowel. This can be maintained by eating lots of fresh raw fruits and fresh raw vegetables and drink lot of water – 8 – 10 glasses of water per day.The fiber from fruits and vegetables are indigestible. However they tend to absorb a lot of water as they pass through the digestive system and thus forms bulk which is excreted easily. Without the water this does not work well. As these fibers passes through, they take with them that which is in their way – even fat deposits.In addition to the above you may also do some abdominal exercise, although I think walking does a lot for you abdomen.This link will give you additional information –;_ylt=AoJtf.wxGHPB7438zxpYdejsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090202055243AAN5lxe&show=7#profile-info-pDahTuGOaa
Will an hour’s brisk walk everyday combined with proper diet give flat abs without any abdominal exercise?
A: You need to do more than walk, go for a run or swim, get more active or else you won’t lose enough fat.

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