What is a 5K

What is a 5K

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5K stands for 5 kilometers which equals 3.1 miles. A 5K is a good choice for a first running race because of its relatively short distance and because it is the most common race distance. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-5k ]
More Answers to “What is a 5K
3.1 miles
5K International Ltd. specializes in converting the steering of vehicles from Right-Hand Drive to Left-Hand Drive at its own workshops in Japan.
A 5k (“five-K”) race is a popular running event that everyone can enjoy from the casual runner/walker to the olympic athlete. The Filthy Farm 5k race at Shepherd’s Corner is an all-terrain race that surveys the diverse landscape o…

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5k ????????
Q: i ran a 19:42 5k once and i never found out my splits, do you think i would be running under 6 a mile?
A: a lot of factors play into thati think you would probaly run around a 6:10-15
What 5k time is good enough to get a college scholarship?
Q: I run about an 18:00 5K in cross country as a freshman guy in high school. What time do I need to shave down to so that I may have an opportunity to run cross country or track in college with college scholarships available, preferably for a division one school? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
A: You need to be at least 16:30 to walk on the xc team. To get a scholarship, I would say you need to be around all-state times (at least 16:00)
What is the best advice for running a 5k in the cold and rain?
Q: I have appropriate cold weather clothes which includes a windbreaker that is waterproof. What do you do about your legs and feet? I will be running in a 5K, 10K and 10 miler in the next 6 weeks.
A: There is nothing worse that getting TOO warm in cold weather- in races I actually still run in shorts but keep my top pretty warm wtih drifit from Nike (tight shirts) The most important parts to keep warm are your torso- layering is key- a great pair of gloves and a headwarmer (for your ears) or a hat. If your head and hands are warm, the rest of you will really follow the lead. Same goes for rainy weather- if you’re wearing pants they’re going to get wet and keep you cold. If you’re wearing shorts, layering correctly and have a Gortex jacket (rain proof) you’ll stay a lot warmer. Running in icky weather is a lot of fun! I had my best times in cross country during cold rainy weather. Embrace it! And make sure to warm up a LOT. Always bring extra socks if it’s raining so you don’t get blisters. Even if you warmed up and your socks are already wet, changing them before a race will make a big difference.Best of luck!

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