What is a good way to burn back fat

What is a good way to burn back fat

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Eat clean. No amount of exercise is going to help your body if you don’t eat right. Try to eat a good amount of fresh fruits and veggies each day. Stay away from extra sugar, sodium & saturated fat. Lift weights. Doing back exercises will help MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-way-to-burn-back-fat ]
More Answers to “What is a good way to burn back fat
What’s the best way to burn fat?
Cardio, ride a bike or as simple as it sounds, run. There are more tips and info. How to lose weight naturally has been in debate for years. Some say low carb. Some say high carb. Some say it’s how much food. Some say it’s how much exercise…
What is the best way to lose belly fat?
Whether its belly fat or back fat or whatever…the ways of doing so are always the same. Cardio and diet…you cannot pin point where the body burns fat and more often then not for guys losing it on the guts is the last part it comes off…..
Is running the best way to lose fat?
If you are serious about losing weight than heres some stuff you can do. Running – Regular running for as long as you like. Run laps around a pool for maybe 30 minutes or more (until you feel its working) About 200-750 jump ropes a day on a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is a good way to burn fat quick and easy?
Q: Ok. I am 13 and i weigh 126 Lbs and im only 5’0”. I am made fun of a lot. People call me fat too much and I see I am fat. What is a good way to burn this fat and look/feel thinner, quickly and easily. I dont really have the best diet either. I really want to tone my body and look good for summer. I also have diabetes.
A: “Quick and easy” is probably something that doesn’t exist in this context. You need to change your lifestyle. And only you can do that. I’m afraid I can’t give you any good advice on diets. Personally, I eat only if I’m hungry. Actually I start to worry about food only when I’m hungry, so usually it takes 0-3 hours before I manage to bring up enough food to eat. As far as I know, when you’re hungry your body is using it’s fat reserves. Naturally your body needs certain things to keep up with daily life, so starving all the time will make your condition only worse. To sum it up; eat less, but eat healthy!Another way to go is physical exercise. But it’s a good idea to remember that while physical exercise burns fat on the long run (lowers your weight) it also creates new muscle mass in your body, which again increases your weight. So your weight might not drop easily, but certainly your appearance is changing (slow change in appearance might be hard to notice – so you might think that since your weight isn’t dropping the exercise is doing no good for you).As it’s a long process to become fat, it’s a even longer process to undo that. But you’ll get to it if you’re determined. Probably you wont achieve what you want by this summer, but for sure next summer you’d have a big difference.Alright, take care then. Don’t take too much stress about it and don’t do anything too radical – and you should be fine.And probably the other people here on yahoo have some fine suggestions on what’s a healthy food diet. I personally don’t know anything about it because I eat whatever I can since I usually don’t have enough money to eat enough to gain weight.Yours,a happy homeless man from e-cafe. ^^
What is a really good way to burn fat off of my inner thighs?
Q: I go to the gym, but i don’t know any good exercises, or some good machines to use to burn fat specifically off of my inner thighs. Any help please?
A: Unfortunately, you can’t focus your weight loss on one particular part of your body. You can get a lot of aerobic exercise (which is a good way to lose weight) by running, jogging, swimming, biking, kick boxing, etc, etc, etc….. but doing heavier leg exercises (like squats and lunges) will actually do more to bulk up your legs, which will make them look bigger.As you burn fat, you will burn it throughout your body. As you slim down your legs, you will also slim down your stomach, arms, and everything else.
what is the better way to burn fat jogging 5 miles or walking 5 with 30-40 lbs on your back?
Q: I have 29 days before i compete for an abs contest. I want to burn fat, wth my primary focus being my stomach. what is better jogging 5 miles or walking with 30-40 lbs on your back with vriable inclines-like mountains.
A: # Here are my ten top tips to tip the scales your way: CREATE YOUR OWN VIRTUAL REALITY.# EAT NUTRITIOUS WHOLE FOODS.# ELIMINATE HIGH GLYCEMIC FOODS.# DRINK PLENTY OF PURE LIQUIDS.# MOVE YOUR BODY. BUILD MUSCLE.# INCREASE HIGH FIBER FOODS.# CUT OUT BAD FATS, ADD GOOD ONES.# ENJOY DOING IT YOUR WAY.# HAVE A SIMPLE ORGANIZED PLAN.# FORGIVE YOURSELF AND MOVE ON.How do i lose fast weight? – Healthy life every day!search :http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&newwindow=1&as_qdr=all&q=%22How+do+i+lose+fast+weight%3F%22+-answers.yahoo+loseweighthappy&btnG=Search

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