What is the average walking speed

What is the average walking speed

Health related question in topics Fitness Sports .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the average walking speed”,you can compare them.

The average walking pace would be 3 miles per hour, which means about 120 steps in a minute. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-walking-speed ]
More Answers to “What is the average walking speed
What is the average walking speed of a human?
You may have already seem this or something like it. Hopes it helps with your question. “Calculating average human walking speed means, to see to it, as to how many steps you walk per minute. The motive for walking differs from person …
What is the average walking speed of horses?
Horses walk an average of 8 km/h
What is average human walking speed?
it’s 5.3km/hour or 3.3miles/hour.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how do i find the average walking speed of a person?
Q: How can i find the average speed of a walk with a meter long piece of string and a stopwatch?
A: With these simple steps, you can estimate your average walking speed, which will also help you figure out how far you walk.(this is one of the easy ways) Step One:Grab a calculator, a piece of paper, a pencil and a stopwatch.Step Two:Assume your stride is 3 feet long, the average stride a person takes.Step Three:Start your stopwatch, and count how many steps you take in 1 minute at the pace you normally walk. Step Four:Divide the number of steps you take in 1 minute by 30. For example, if you take 96 steps in 1 minute, you’ll divide 96 by 30. Step Five:Write down the result. This is the estimate of your speed in miles per hour. In this example, 96 divided by 30 equals 3.2. That means you walk an average of 3.2 miles per hour.Step Six:Determine the distance you walk based on time. In this example, if you walk for a full hour, you will have walked 3.2 miles. Half an hour and you will have gone 1.6 miles. An hour and a half on foot would give you 4.8 miles.
Walking speed…The Average walking speed R of a person living in a city of population P?
Q: The Average walking speed R of a person living in a city of population P in thousands is modeled by the funtion, R(p)=0.37.In P+00.5, where R is in feet per second. The population of Wheeling is 40,000 find the average walking speed of the people living in Wheeling.
A: 15.3 maybe. In the quesiton, what does the In. after 0.37 represent? Inches?
what is the average walking speed of a human?
Q: if you could please tell me the average walking speed of a kid aswell please
A: 4Mph

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